Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ahem, you don't know what you are talking about

Hello dear fellow who wrote that 20 years in Iowa article. It appears you are misinformed. And thanks to you, so is everyone else who read that article who has not been to Iowa. I am not a hick. I do not live on a farm. I am an opinionated person and i am about to give you a piece of my mind.
Have you even been to Iowa? Are you depressed? Are you blind? Why so negative? I have lived in Iowa my whole life, and while some of the things you stated in the article may be true (Cedar Rapids is definitely starved of culture), you used facts out of context to attempt to…i don’t even know what. What was the point of that whole article? Perhaps the reason you’re getting so much hate is because instead on focusing on the purpose of your article you just bashed Iowa to death. I feel bad for the lovely people who read that article. I couldn’t even stand how negative it was. i had to take a break half way through to recharge my happy battery.
Iowa is mostly rural, yes, but helloooooooo, you live in one of the biggest cities in Iowa! There is no way in hell that some kid in Iowa City walked up to you and asked if you were taking your dog hunting. I know this because i have been to Iowa city and know that it is a college town full if hip kids hoping to get somewhere in life. However, you led people to believe that you didn’t live in such a lively city by simply choosing not to put that information into the article. So, if i was some outsider, i would think that Iowa City is as rural as the rest of the 88 counties of Iowa. Not the case. In fact, you neglected to even make relevant the urban areas of Iowa. Yes. There are cities in this state. In fact, i live in the second biggest! These areas are the ones that have the most influence over the caucuses (maybe the unclear point of your article?). Hello. Population vs. rural counties. There are 204,574 people in Linn county. There are only 9,815 people in Humboldt county and there are even fewer throughout the state.
Another thing to mention. The reason Iowa is home of the first caucus is  because it is a swing state. The winner is a good prediction for elections in other swing states that help win the election.
Iowa is a beautiful state. If you can’t see that then someone needs to knock you over the head with a baseball bat. I love the big city, but nature is natural art. I don’t know if it is just my artsy ass mind, but i find struggling towns inspiring and fascinating. They have a whole community and often quaint shops that are ONLY in that town. Kalona, the Amish town,  is an excellent example. I could have bought a vintage homecoming dress for 30 bucks. I bet you won’t find that in Cedar Rapids. Also, Iowa is home to the Maid-Rite’s delicious food and exquisite hospitality. If you haven’t put your picture under one of the table covers, you need to.
There are just so many great things about this state we live in and i don’t believe you did justice to it at all. I would say that you failed at the journalists job. You took small, no. Puny parts of Iowa and blew them up like everyone does meth. Not the case. I am well outside the stereotyped people you described in your article, and i know for a fact that i am not the only one. There are many. Maybe people would have actually listened to you if they weren’t being so offended by your blatant disrespect for the place you call home. You should be kicked out.
ps. My AP Lang class analyzed this essay and you sucked. <3
^^^that would be my letter to the douche bag if i were to write one.  I became rather flustered with the whole article. I do plan on getting out of Iowa, but at least i can see the beauty that is right in front of me.

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