Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tis the season

Ha! i bet you thought this post was going to be about something holiday-ish right? Nope. I got you! Ha!
Actually, i am extremely drowsy from these anti-nausea (stop throwing up) pills. For the past week and a half i have been throwing up and feeling not right at all. The thing is, it isn’t influenza. I am not running a fever and i can eat a few things. But please, someone save me.
Staying at home for 5 of the past 10 school days sounds like a blast. And it is. If you aren’t sick. I can’t even enjoy my days off because i am too busy sleeping! Seriously. I would like to play sims2 here. But these pills won’t let me stay awake long enough to do so. I am currently craving my pillow, a blanket, and a horizontal position. I am starving myself of these things because i have homework i need to complete and blog posts i need to write.
I wish i could wow you with all of the super cool things i have been doing on my days off, like watching porn, or eating popsicles. But the truth is, it has just been super drab. I can’t even stay awake long enough to finish watching Baby Mama.
*sigh* What am i going to do?!? I need to go back to school soon, but i don’t think i can survive it without vomiting or passing out. *another sigh* i miss human interaction. I miss my friends. i miss sitting in desks and learning. My brain is starved from activity. It’s going to shrivel up ad die. Then what’s going to be left of me? Nothing. That’s what. You can’t live without your brain! ha!
Anyway. Tis the season for sickness. I get on Facebook and the first 23750934750 stories on my newsfeed are about how sick people are. I am sad to say i contributed. Did you know that Facebook gets a red line under it until it is capitalized? Wow. Our technology even knows when Facebook is spelled wrong.
Yeah. That was my sickly rambling for the day. I have also rolled around a bit whining about how bored i am. I ate two toaster strudel too. What a productive day. Here is my camp. Feel free to donate your time or toaster strudel.
this is where the sickly lies. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.

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