Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My dear friend Tommy Kaiser advised me to blog about scarves. Since i do not have any other pressing topics to blog about (my topic last night has wiped out the fight in me for a couple days) i shall blog about scarves. I shall also be bringing you the wonderful view from my bed, as that is where i am sitting. In my footie pajamas. REPRESENT.

My 10 year old brother and i have matching pj's.

Personally, i love scarves. They are so cozy and warm and cuddly and snug and wintery and happy! I desperately want an infinity scarf (the kind that wraps around and around but doesn’t have ends). Those are the coziest to me! *hint hint* christmas is just around the corner and if you want to get a gift for me i would love one! gray is great. so is anyother color too. I’m not picky. =]

What i do not enjoy is when people wear hot, bulky scarves in the summer. What purpose is that serving you? None. You’re just going to sweat alot and look nasty. But i guess if you are looking to lose cleavage and neck weight, that’s the way to go about it. <<TOTALLY KITTING! =D LOLZ

I have two favorite scaves. Scratch that. I have three. I don’t wear them with outfits very often, but i don’t think it has been cold enough for me to yet! I just wear them with my coats for now, along with my mittens and sock-monkey hat. My all purpose scarf is purple. It is not square. It can be a shawl if you are into that sort of thing. I just usually wrap it around my neck twice. I don’t like the bulky knot thingy. But there is this super cool youtube video that i stumbledupon with MANY different ways to wear a scarf. Its right down below!

I also wrap these skinny ties around my head as head bands. I do enjoy those. They usually include a rather large bow atop of my head. And i am all for that! I tried to do a hair bow today. It didn’t work…but i didn’t really have time to try it so i shall attempt again.

"We Can Do It!"

bow <3

Let me tell you how attractive men in scarves are. EXTREMELY! You know? With the skinny jeans and the cardigan? Below is a wonderful example. Mmm mmm mmm :]

JUST KIDDING!!!! hahahah i am so funny sometimes. No seriously though. This one below is attractive.

Or this one.

I mean, i guess i just like scarves. I don’t know what else to say. Ragstock has kick ass scarves for $3. But if you steal all of them like you did my sweaters from goodwill…i will be angry.

Sarah =]

Images courtesy of google. Unless they are of me. I took them on my photobooth camera. I got a little carried away. Here’s my scarf album for you. Enjoy making fun of me. I know i sure did =]

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