Friday, December 2, 2011

Welcome Back!

Today is the first day back from thanksgiving break! I didn't blog at all over break because i was out living it up! How was your break? Mine was AWESOME! So i would just like to say welcome back, whether it be to my blog, school, or work.
This post isn't going to be about my break, however, i feel like that would be not beneficial! Besides, you don't want to know what i did anyway, and if you do you can just facebook it. Today i thought i'd discuss the stresses that come along with the first day back from break. I have gathered these from tweets, facebook statuses, and my own brilliant mind.

Stress #1: Oh shit, i have to wake up in 3 hours.

If you are like me and your body is used to staying up late due to your late up-staying over break, you probably found yourself unable to sleep last night. I suffered from this one. I didn't fall asleep until 2 this morning after i had moved to 3 different places to sleep and watched twilight. It was quite a good time. Emma Moss happened to also be awake so we kept each other company. Now, the sleepiness won't have hit you today, you probably felt wide awake!, it will hit you like a dodge ball to the face tomorrow. Good luck my friends. Please poke me if you see me asleep in class.

Stress #2: WHY AREN'T FINAL GRADES IN YET!?!?!?!?!?!

I have an easy answer for this one. Final grades aren't due until tomorrow morning. And if your gpa depends on one should bang your head against a wall and vow to do better this term so you don't have this stress!


This stress is ridiculous if you ask me. Most classes have a seating chart, so getting to sit next to your BFF for 5 minutes isn't that life changing. You shouldn't waste wrinkles on that.

Stress #4: WHO HAS D LUNCH?!

I have this stress as well. What am i going to do for lunch? There are many options for us seniors. We could go out. We could eat on the stairs. We could snack on the bench. We could sit in the cafeteria. We could sit at our lockers. What to do?

Last term i sat on the stairs to eat my lunch or left with a friend to eat out. This term, very first day, i was put into the lunch-room with some of my friends. I didn't mind it even though it was like animals had just escaped from the zoo to discover their freedom. I don't enjoy the rushing to get my food thing. No fun.

Anyway, if you don't have any friends in your lunch, i advise sitting in your car to eat by yourself so no one thinks you're a loser. Or you could pull a Mean Girls and sit on a toilet in the girls bathroom. Either way. =]

So, that's all i've got for you today. I welcome the new torchians into class (the wittle freshman are so cute!) and wis you luck on your endeavors this term.

Sarah =]

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