Thursday, September 8, 2011

4 Wheels are Better Than 2

WARNING: This post will contain content that is not appropriate for people who find my negativity annoying.

This is for the people who ride their bikes in the middle of the street. Today i was driving home from school when a funny thing happened. An old man in yellow bicycle shorts came into my view. Was he wearing a helmet? Yes. Was he riding on the sidewalk? No. In fact, he was riding right in the middle of 42nd street as school was being let out. Sorry dude, but that helmet isn't going to save you when you are hit by a car.

A week ago, there was a family riding their bikes right down the middle of Emmons St. in Hiawatha. Now, you'd think that adults would have the common sense to teach their kids to ride on the sidewalk so they don't get hit by a car, but nope. There they all are, just riding away, completely ignoring the fact that it is a no passing zone so i am stuck driving behind their 2 mph asses. In-con-sid-er-ate. That pissed me off beyond belief. They didn't even move over.

Bikes are not cars. They do not belong in the middle of the road. If you wish to ride on pavement with dotted lines down the middle, there are plenty of nature and bike trails that provide them for you. STAY OFF THE STREETS. There is also a sidewalk three feet from where you are riding. MOVE OVER. And the best part is that i bet the majority of them are hypocrites who get mad at other riders riding in the middle of the street.

The cases above were recent, but over the summer, i witnessed a bike rider riding, literally, like a car, in the middle of a lane on collins road. I bet he didn't survive.

If you are hit by a car and were riding in the middle of the street, you probably deserved it. It sounds harsh, but you were asking for it all along. If you do not wish to get hit by a car then stay off the roads and ride on the bike trails and sidewalks. That's what they are there for.

I apologize for offending anyone, but i don't take back anything i said.


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