Friday, September 9, 2011


Everyone has eaten dinner some place other than their home. I work at Planet X Family Fun Center and we had a health inspection the other day. Now i don't know if anyone has been there in 3+ years or so, but the place is dirty. Don't get me wrong, i love my job, but it isn't as sanitary is it probably could be. I know what our kitchen is like. And if it passed the health inspectors eyes, what else could pass his test? It makes me think about the places that i choose to eat at. You should too.

Our kitchen has flour almost everywhere, our counters and are rarely wiped off after and during food preparation, the same utensils are used numerous times before washing, and i don't know if everyone washes their hands. The walls have mysterious splatters on them, the bathrooms are hardly ever thoroughly cleaned, and the floors are disgusting.

Rock climbers climb barefoot, and then someone else puts their hand there, and then that person touches their face. Guess what? They just got foot germs all over their face. Laser tag is never vacuumed and children run around barefoot in there. We are even told not to turn on the cleaning lights whenever there are customers around. The vests aren't washed and the room smells like B.O. and Lysol. How charming.
On top of all of that, everything we throw away is recyclable. But we don't recycle. I did get my managers to start recycling the tickets we use, but that is all. The paper plates, paper cups, recipts, food, cans, bottles, and cardboard boxes we use all go into the dumpster out back.

I just want everyone to consider where they eat, spend their free time, and how often they wash their hands. You don't know what you have just touched was in contact with.
Do you know of any places that are dirty and would advise not eating at? Please share. =]
And if you know who is putting potential homecoming asking letters on my car you should let me know that too. Thanks!

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