Saturday, September 3, 2011

All Good Things Must Come to an End

As we all know, school has begun. It is a radical change from living the summer life of late nights and suntanning. Now I head to bed around eight or nine and wake up at five AM to surrender myself to arctic waters that is our pool here at Kennedy. Suntanning has become a last priority when one has four hours of homework a night and swim practice until 5:30 in the evening.

I like to look at the bright side though. My summer was fantastic! It was probably one of the best summers i have ever had. I was never bored unless i chose to be. I hung out with my friends everyday and made money by working at Planet X. I also had to say goodbye to my senior friends as they left for college to live their lives.

Take a look at my top 6 experiences from this summer. =]

6. Maida Dizdarevic and I took a trip to palo beach. It was always our "thing" to hit up the beach on a sunny day, but we tried a different beach each time. When we arrived, the typical hawties from school were there playing volleyball and sunning themselves. We decided to set up camp at the other side of the beach. This side was filled with overweight middle aged men and women who brought their children to the beach. Much more preferable. When we laid out our towels, however, we discovered a small piece of dog poop in between them. Gross. We flicked it away with a stick. Then we looked to our left. There was a full diaper just sitting in the sand. We left.

As a final note one that one, the Palisades is the nicest beach i went to this summer. The sand was soft and there aren't a lot of people. There was no dog poop either.

5. During the first week of summer i had my wisdom teeth pulled. Talk about painful. I almost had to miss Hog Wild days! Anyway. I had 3 giant pills i had to take every six hours that made me throw up. So i was taken off of them to endure the pain. That was the bad part. When i was put under all i remember is the ceiling doing the wave and then passing out. I guess that i also called Marie Treangen and could't figure out how i got my phone from one hand to the other. I don't remember that at all! But she then brought me a bubble gun and it made it all better.

Yup. That's me with my swollen face enjoying my bubbles.  

4. I won bingo at Hog Wild Days! I have been going for 11 years and never won. It was a great day for me.

3. My best friend in the whole wide world is Michael Nordstrom. He recently moved to Colorado to attend Colorado College. But earlier in the summer we went to Adventureland. That was such a great day! We rode everything possible numerous times because there were hardly any lines! There were hardly any lines because it was raining! We bought these bright yellow ponchos though, so we stayed dry and looked awesome at the same time.

2. I took a road trip to Chicago with my friends from work! It was only the second time i had been there. Maida drove and that was an adventure all its own. I accidentally threw the directions out the window when we were half way there. It's a good thing that we had Lola, my GPS, to guide us the rest of the way. When we arrived, we shopped! We hit up the Forever 21 first. It was overwhelming. If you thought the Forever 21 at Coralridge Mall was big, you haven't seen anything. This one was three stories tall and each section was the size of the Coralridge store. It was crazy.

We also ventured to the Bean. That giant reflective bean shaped thing. It was great.

The Bean

Jamie, Maida and I reflected in The Bean

After that we boarded a free trolley that took us to Navy Pier. We rode the famous Ferris Wheel that moves at  an extremely slow pace! But it was still awesome. I enjoyed that day so much. Words can not explain it.

1. August 7th I went to a We the Kings concert with Alicia Means, Miranda Neff, and Desiree Kern. We waited in line for a couple hours with the rest of the crazy girls who were in love with WTK. They were touring with Hot Chelle Rae. They walked right through the line of girls waiting to see them and they no one even noticed! We followed Hot Chelle Rae into a restaurant and to meet them. For proof, we took a picture.

Hot Chelle Rae

The concert was amazing! We made it to the front row and Miranda had made a sign that said she loved Travis (the lead singer from WTH). He said they should get married and she almost fainted, i swear! We also managed to collect guitar picks and drum sticks throughout the show.

After the show, they always have a meet and greet type thing at the Blue Moose. So we actually got to meet everyone who performed! It was awesome. The best night of summer by far.


I would like to thank my friends for everything they do for me. I know that next summer will be even better =]


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