Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hallway Etiquette

Dear Students of Kennedy High School,

The hallways are atrocious. They are clogged with the pushy, the overweight, the dirties, the talk-too-muchers, and every other student here. There is no way not to use the hallways. If there was we wouldn't have such a problem. I know that i am not the only one who has trouble making it to my class without being stepped on, flat tired, or being late. This has to come to an end. I've provided some steps to help us make this happen.

Step 1. Stop the PDA
I know that this is said way too much, but people still don't get the message. PDA is NOT okay. If you want to make-out, go to your own house or rent a hotel by the hour; but please, be courteous and think about others for a change. I know it is hard, being a teenager and all, but do you think that everyone else wants to watch you play tonsil hockey? The answer to that is NO. (If you answered yes to the previous question, please seek help at the guidance counselors office).

Step 2. Don't Block the Hallways/ Don't Stop in the Middle of One
The foyer of our precious school gets the most traffic. The seniors crowd around the senior bench, the juniors crowd around the left side of the stairs, and the clueless freshmen stand right in the middle. This drives me CRAZY! And i can't be the only one. It is always the freshmen who block the hallway to the south end of the building and the language hallway. I kindly tell them to move somewhere else, i advise you to do the same.

Stopping randomly in the middle of the hallway is one of my biggest pet peeves. It happened right in front of me twice today! The kid is walking super slow and sees his friend. Then BAM! He stops right in his tracks to wait for his approaching friend. I ran right into the back of him. It may or may not have been on purpose. And...I didn't apologize. I didn't feel the need to.

We all know that the foyer is crazy during passing time. If you are smart, like me, you avoid it at all costs and use the back, less crowded, hallways. However, the majority of the students that attend Kennedy High School are stubborn and stupid for trying to fight their way through the mad mob of people. On the rare occasion that i must travel through the foyer, i always get shoved. PUSHING DOESN'T MAKE THE LINE GO FASTER. In fact, people who use unnecessary physical abuse to try to get somewhere, it makes everyone push back just to spite you. If you push me, i will push back, and it will be much harder than when you pushed me. So stop pushing.

Step 4. Pick up Your Pace
The slow walking must start somewhere. So this is for the people who start it, especially the hand-holders. Walk fast or get run over/ punched in the back of the head. The pace of a typical high schooler is speedier than the slow saunter of the groups of friends who walk five-long down the hall way. This causes everyone behind them to have to walk slow, which is extremely annoying, and they can't go around because of the massive length that is the line of friends walking slow. So please, just walk faster or get out of the way. And to all of you love birds out there, read Step 1 again and cut it out.

Step 5. Hallways are like Roads
Why this concept is so hard for everyone to get, i don't understand. You walk down the right side of the hallway, just like you drive on the right side of the road. If you can't do this then you shouldn't drive. End of story. We're in America, no excuses for foreign exchange students.

Thanks for doing what is best for everyone and getting rid of this congestion like Mucinex does for colds.

Sarah =]

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