Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Senior Memories: Part One

Okay, so on Friday afternoon, September 16th, as i was exiting school, i ran into two people that i shall keep anonymous. These two are some goofy kids. I had my big, flashy Canon camera with me for the play pictures and they insisted i take some of them. So i did, also catching one of the Chinese teachers in the process. He was smiling for the camera too.

That isn't the funny part though, just some pre-game right there. The three of us, the Two Who Shall Not Be Named and i, walked out to the south lot together and were joined by a third nameless person. I had planned on just walking to my car, putting my things in my trunk, and driving on home. However, as i was doing just that, i received a mysterious invitation from the Three Who Shall Not Be Named to watch one of them attempt to break into their friend's car to steal a unicycle. Naturally, i accepted.

I walked over to the Three That Shall Not Be Named and asked them how they were planning on doing that. One of them said, "Like this!" and pulled on the car handle. The door opened. Laughter erupted from us and we exchanged phrases like, "I can't believe the door was open!" and, "Wow, Blake*! Way to leave your car unlocked!" Then they proceeded to take out the unicycle and continue laughing about Blake.

There was a purpose to the stealing of the unicycle. One of the Three Who Shall Not Be Named was planning on riding this five foot unicycle in the Homecoming parade today. That One of the Three Who Shall Not Be Named was just going to borrow it to practice and Blake had said it was okay to borrow it for the parade. He definitely didn't know we were taking that day.

Being the goofy people the Three Who Shall Not Be Named are, the One who was going to ride it in the parade began to attempt to ride it around the KPL. I tweeted at this point!/lolaphalangee. That One made it about three feet before toppling over. Laughter came shortly after that.

On the second try, The One of the Three Who Shall Not Be Named didn't even make it one foot. Mounting the bike by using Blake's car, sitting on the uncomfortable seat, and using another of the Three Who Shall Not Be Named to balance, falling was inevitable. A "Shit i'm gonna fall," escaped the Ones mouth before gravity took over.

As the unicycle fell, it discovered a car mirror in its path and took it right off. The four of us couldn't stop laughing/ freaking out. What were we supposed to do with a dangling side-view mirror on a car that wasn't ours?!? Then the One had an idea. We would duct tape it back in place of course! As the One ran inside to the shop teacher, we were left standing helplessly by the incapacitated car.

The cross country team then began their run for the day, starting off by going straight through the South lot, right by us, and by extension, the car. Two more people joined us. It was just too funny.

The One soon returned with some duct tape and electrical tape. Since Blake's car was black and so was the electrical tape, the plan was that he would never know what happened. So i held it in place while the One pulled a knife out of his pocket to cut the tape with. Talk about looking sketchy. I wonder what Dr. W would have thought if she came out and saw us!

After a few minutes we got it all taped up and you couldn't even tell that it wasn't attached, from far away. I wonder if he even noticed. You may ask where Blake was through all of this? At a golf meet out of town. We were some lucky kids!

I will never forget the comedy that was that afternoon in the KPL. I wonder if he even knows...

*Name has been changed.


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