Monday, November 14, 2011

Well now...

I hope you have all started your procrastination for the first thing on the finals to do list. I am trying, but since i have to take some finals early, my whole schedule is messed up!
Any who, i learned a few interesting things today and i thought i would share them!
1. Noodles and company doesn’t have chicken Alfredo…?
This statement was tweeted by Lauren Stines earlier today, and i was rather sad to hear it. I love chicken alfredo! It is my favorite pasta dish in the entire world. But never fear, i talked with Paige Heffernen, a new employee, and she said that they have amazing food. I guess that they have different noodle dishes from different regions of the world and that the prices are relatively low, around 8 dollars of you add extras. I will have to try this place out!
2.Teachers comb their hair in the bathroom.
I guess it’s good to know that as we grow older, our vainness will not vanish, or is it? As i was urinating and minding my own business, a teacher came into the bathroom, entered the stall beside mine, and began covering the seat with toilet paper. There were 5 other stalls available and she chose the one right next to mine? That’s like being a guy and with 10 other urinals available in the bath room, and choosing the one right next to an already present person. Awkward.
Anyway, (this was a long urination mind you, i drank two of my camelbak waterbottles before second hour when all of this happened) the teacher proceeded to sit down, grunt a lot, and then wipe profusely. How do i know this might you ask? Because i have ears! And in the stall  RIGHT NEXT TO ME there is a grunting teacher. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.
After the teacher finished her business and washed her hands, turning off the water with the paper towel and everything (tree killer), she bent down and pulled a brush out of no where. I don’t know if she kept it in her shoe or what, but this was crazy. Not really, she pulled it out of her purse that i couldn’t see through the crack between the door and stall wall. The teacher combed her hair for 2 minutes. No joke. I think she counted 100 strokes. Then she walked out. At this point i wasn’t doing anything but squatting over the pot and staring in amazement. I thought it was only young girls who did that!
3. If you take Allie Sindlingers phone, she will manhandle you like a dog abuser. 
I know it’s not funny to joke about abusing dogs, but I couldn’t think of another example of what the whole scene looked like. Josh Zimmerman attempted to take Allie’s phone during 5th hour today and she leaped from her desk and onto him like a crazy mistress. It was quite scary. Needless to say, Josh didn’t hesitate in giving her phone back. I think she frightened him a bit.
Sarah =]

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