Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friday (or in this case, Thursday) Night Lights

So tonight was one of our last home football games of the year vs. Iowa City West. I have to say, Kennedy students, that i was rather disappointed.

First, there was the turn out. What happened?!?!? Just because it is a Thursday night game doesn't mean we shouldn't show up! Even if we have homework, we should do it before or after the game. Several of my teachers didn't even give us homework because they knew we would be going to the game.

As the quarters rolled by, the crowd thinned. Just because we aren't winning doesn't mean we should leave! That's when our team needs us more than ever; to push them to do their best and win. At least attempting to stay as long as possible is better than not even showing up at all. Plus, do we really want to spend six dollars to stay for 30 minutes? I certainly don't; i want to get my money's worth!

Second, what's with the cheering? We are all united for one team, so why is our student's section divided into people following Brigham or Ben? Why not follow both? Lemme tell you how ridiculous we look when only half, or less than, is doing the same cheer. It's really ridiculous.

There is also the cheerleaders. I think they do a great job with the enthusiasm, but a little more cheering in really intense games, like tonight's, would be beneficial. The crowd started a majority of the cheers, and then we became unorganized. But lemme tell ya how awesome you look with pompoms! Seriously. I am so happy about them it isn't even funny. We were the only school with cheerleaders who didn't have pompoms. And now we have them! YAY!

One last thing about the cheering. Ben Feltes (blonde) had to tell us to cheer when he was on the sidelines. To me, that seems like a big problem. The players should be focusing on the game and not have to worry about their support, but the fact that one of them didn't think we were loud enough means that we have to get louder!

Thirdly, I love when we cheer for Riley when he hits that gong. Seriously. I have never seen so much enthusiasm for our band. Ever. We aren't making fun of you band members; it's how we show our support for you! Don't get mad. Get glad! The cheering means we like it, and the fact that we got yelled at for liking the band is upsetting. It may not be considered "proper" but at least we're paying attention and doing something!

I am proud to say that we are pretty bomb at successful "outs." I have so many pictures of the student section in either black, orange, white, yellow, or striped. It is awesome! I love that we all participate and aren't lame. It'd be really embarrassing to fail at an "out."

Also, good job seniors! We have a massive attendance rate at football games. Go us! And props to the freshmen who are expanding our student section like we should, instead of all cramming in one small section. Sophomores. Move back.

Overall i think that we do a decent job at supporting our football team, but i think that we can do better.


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