Thursday, October 27, 2011

Music Review: Florence + the Machine

So today after arriving home from the Iowa High School Press Association conference (thanks for the ride ben) I hopped on facebook. The first thing i saw was Michael Nordstrom's status quoting Florence + the Machine. I LOVE Florence + the Machine, but i didn't know these lyrics, so there had to have been a new song released. And there was!

Shake It Out by Florence + the Machine is a work of art, like all of their songs. I only had to listen to it once to fall in love. It starts out and builds into an inspirational song. It makes me want to dance! The beat is catchy and makes me want to dance in my car. This is probably one of my favorites from Florence + the Machine. My absolute favorite is Cosmic Love. It gets me every time. Its great to belt to when no one's around.

Florence Welch is a vocal genius.She just can't go wrong and is incredibly talented. All of the songs are written by Florence Welch, and on their website,, Welch says that she writes her best music while drunk or hungover. It's when she is the most creative and the most destructive. To me, this makes the group all the more mysterious. Discovering when her most creative time is makes her awesome in my eyes.

I've watched a few SNL episodes where they are the guest performers. They are incredibly phenominal live. It is rare to find bands that sounds better live than they do on their album, and Florence + the Machine is definitely one of those rare groups.

If you don't like alternative indie music then you probably won't enjoy Florence + the Machine. Their sound isn't mainstream like LMFAO or anything. It's unique to them. They make their own music, no one writes it for them.
Their new album, Ceremonials, will be released October 31st in the UK and will be available on iTunes. I highly recommend it. Florence + the Machine is in my top 5 favorite bands of all time.

Sarah =]

P.S. I got my hairs cut!

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