Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Psh. Conformity.

So early this morning as my mother woke me up late, i freaked out because i wanted to straighten my hair before going to school. Well, i had ten minutes to get this done, and i succeeded. But it came at a price. Does my hair look thinner than usual today? I ripped out a large portion of my hair because my flat iron has crevices that catch my poor hairs as it goes through them. In the midst of doing this, i asked myself, “Why am i putting myself through this much pain, this early in the morning, to produce something that society finds acceptable?”
my frazzled hairs
If you didn’t know, i’m not one to enjoy conforming to societies ridiculous rules and expectations. Somewhere along the way though, it must have got to me, because i was ruining my hair on this burning hot ceramic thing that was man-made to make women look alike. I finished the painful process because i have enough decency to at least attempt to not look ridiculous when going to school, but i regret it.
Seriously, why do we straighten, curl, 3-barrel, crimp, our hair ladies? Because society thinks its beautiful? Who is society to say what is and isn’t beautiful? If you went to Africa with hair like that they would find you absolutely ridiculous.
Why do we try so hard to fit in when we were meant to be different? We were all made differently, whether we like it or not. As hard as we try, our hair isn’t going to be as straight as the next persons, or as shiny, or as awesome. This doesn’t mean that we should give up personal hygiene or become apes, but we should do what we think is beautiful. I like my natural hair; it’s crazy, and frizzy, and unpredictable. I see these girls walking down the street trying to make their hair messy and voluminous and i giggle to myself. My hair does that naturally. Is your hair straight naturally? good for you! embrace it! Other girls buy crappy products that do more damage than good to their hair to make it look like yours. Is your hair curly? Same thing to you! Is it wavy? You too!
This whole society thing applies to every aspect of our lives, believe it or not. Do you have to take gym every other day? That’s because our school district has a rule that students must take it. This is supposed to help eliminate obesity. Guess what? Being bigger is a sign of fertility! I don’t think that we should be forced or pressured to lose weight if we don’t want to. It is so contradictory, love your body, but lose weight. I would rather love my body than starve myself to conform to what other people think is beautiful. If they don’t like it, it doesn’t matter to me. All that matters to me is that i am happy with who i am.
Basically what i am trying to say is don’t let society rule our decisions. Whether it be about college, our hair, our clothes, the classes we take, the food we eat, the friends we make, how we spend our time. We think on our own, do what makes us happy, and not worry about what society thinks.
Sarah =]

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