Thursday, October 20, 2011

Marbles for Marbles

Okay. I know i am a bit behind, but i have just discovered Jenna Marbles. I think i am in love. Seriously. I have never laughed so hard in my life!!!
Basically, Jenna Marbles is an escort who has a youtube channel. She makes videos and posts them every Wednesday. She has a dog named Marbles and he is in every single video. Her videos have over 3,000,000 views and her channel has 1,279,035 subscribers. Jenna Marbles’ plots range from what she does during the day, to how to be fake pretty, to celebrity impersonations. This is the real deal folks.
My favorite video so far is What Caffeine Does. She goes crazy. It is hilarious.
The only critique i would have is the language. It was slightly awkward showing my mother these videos when Jenna Marbles cusses so much. Buuuuuuuuut. I still like them alot. I am as addicted to them now as i am to Criminal Minds…if you didn’t know…that is extremely addicted. I watch about four hours of Criminal Minds a night.
So yeah. Here’s a link to her channel. Enjoy!
You could also check out this video that Danielle Grasso and I made in 7th grade. Oh such good times.
Sorry Danielle… =]

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