Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Go Hard or Go Home

A funny thing crossed my mind today as my mom was talking about how a friend had already bought her Breaking Dawn (the fourth twilight movie, in case you didn't know) tickets. She was worried that we were behind everyone else and that we wouldn't get to see it right away. I told her that i didn't really care about seeing it all that much. I hadn't found the twilight saga movies to be quality films that i should spend my money on.

I used to be quite a fan of the Twilight Saga. I read Twilight when i was in sixth grade and was in love with it, since, you know, preteen girls love all that mushy romance in novels. I even got midnight showing tickets for the movie when it came out. I wouldn't say that i was to the die-hard fan stage, but i was getting there. Then everyone started talking down about Twilight and all that mainstream stuff. I didn't go along with it right away, but when i saw the film, i agreed. I don't know what made me change my mind about the series, whether it was the poorly directed film or the opinions of my peers, but i am quite disturbed to think that i was such a fan of something, and then my opinion did a complete 180.

So what crossed my mind this afternoon, while my mother was babbling on about seeing the movie, was that i idolized those die-hard fans of Twilight. Not necessarily because they were fans of Twilight, but because they believed in something so much, no one could change their minds.

There are lots of die-hards out there like the sports fans that get so defensive about a team that when anyone bashes their die-hard team, they bash in the opposer's skull with their fist. There are also the stalkers who are so in love with a celebrity that the celeb has to get a restraining order, and the woman on You Tube that is super emotional about cats. Though these might not be the best ways to express their fan-man-ship, at least they have something to live for.

I think we should all find something to be a die-hard about, something to live for, something that makes us happy. The options are endless, though it'd probably be best if the examples above were not used. For me, my die-hard fan-man-ship goes to Harry Potter. Seriously. I don't think i've been more in love with a man in my life.

Sarah =]

P.S. in other news...THE TORCH COMES OUT THIS FRIDAY!! get excited. i dare you.

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