Friday, October 21, 2011


Why can't boys draw hearts very well?
Why is the hand writing of a male typically much worse than that of a female?
Why do hospitals have religious affiliations when they are sponsored by the government?
Why is it that the government can't put aside their opinions and reach a conclusion?
Why aren't the smart people like Mr. Grady running the government?
Why are humans the dominant power on earth?
Could dogs have evolved to be as smart as we are?
Does every animal have emotions?
How is it that we grow from something so small to something so big? Have you ever looked at a baby?
Are babies able to communicate through their gibberish language and we just can't understand?
How did people discover to put the penis in the vagina to make babies?
Why do we find specific traits attractive?
Why is our favorite color our favorite color?
Do we genuinely like our favorite music? Or is it just what is given to us by the radio so we think we like it?
How did writing come about?
How did language come about?
If blue and yellow makes green, how come yellow and green don't make blue?
Why do men have nipples? They don't breastfeed.
Why are things named what they are? Who came up with the name "Blue Gnu"?
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
How do we know for sure that the universe is infinite?
How am i supposed to limit myself from a world of possibilities to what i need to study in college?
Why are girls so mean?
Why does gay marriage mean so much to straight people?
Why does drug use bother the people who don't abuse drugs?
What really happened to JFK?
Why is skinny considered attractive?
Who really wrote the bible?
Why is the thing that pumps blood through your body considered where your feelings stem from?

These are the questions that keep me up at night. There are answers to some, and theories about others. Now you have taken a walk through my brain. 

Sarah =]

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