Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Right Now

As of right now i am sitting in AP Environmental Science in the computer lab. We are supposed to be doing this poster project thing that is due monday, and we have these article things due tomorrow, and a study guide due next week. I don’t know, but it seems like senior year is the most stressful, academically, out of all four years of high school.

Freshman year you’re the new kids. Teachers don’t expect you to be mature, smart, or know what you are going to do with your life. The homework loads were typically easy projects that were due in a couple weeks from the assignment date, and any other homework was considered completion.

As you move on the Sophomore year, the teachers treat you a little more like an adult. They trust you more and expect you to actually pay attention in class. They also grade the hardest, considering the fact that now that you have attended Kennedy for a year, you know what’s up.

Now junior year is awesome. You realize that advanced classes don’t do anything for you except lower your GPA. You may have dropped your language class, opening up a spot in your schedule for a fun class, or a 1st or 6th hour release. Freedom an hour before school lets out is pure bliss. I truly recommend it.

Senior Year. This is the big one. By now, you are expected to be and act mature, know what you want to do with your life, and apply to 3957q4908574 colleges in your free time. You may have a part time job and have some sort of idea what college you would like to attend out of the 9475039475 colleges in the world. To be honest. I find it hard to find time to attempt to apply to college. When i do get free time, i usually want to spend it relaxing because the rest of my week has been go Go GO! This year is stressin’ me out man.

Oh! And don’t forget prom! You’ve got that to worry about too. What color dress are you going to wear? It is much more important than deciding on the rest of your life. After all, prom is now. The rest of your life is later.

If only it worked that way. =[


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