Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another Annotated Bib:3

Picoult, Jodi. Perfect Match. Atria Books: New York. 2002. (293 pages)

Another Jodi Picoult book, yes it is true. I think I am becoming addicted to her writing. This time I enjoyed reading about the struggle a mother faced when her son was raped by a priest. Cheerful topic right? I've always wondered what is wrong with someone's brain when they are intrigued by a child's form and proceed to rape them. Rape takes something so innocent and clean, and turns it into something dirty. Those stories sometime haunt me at night, and I feel so guilty for not doing anything to prevent child rape.

Again with the Criminal Minds. There are numerous episodes that have to do with rape. Sometimes it is the trigger that creates the monster, sometimes is the act that the monster commits, but other times it has to do with the FBI agents and their own past. It happens so many people and goes unreported so much, it makes me want to cry!

I couldn't put this book down. I always find myself reading my books in Mr. Hoyer's class instead of doing the math I should be doing. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't care either, as long as I keep my grade up. Too funny. This book took me about two weeks to read, because I didn't want it to end! I enjoyed the novel so much, I was hooked on another Jodi Picoult book.

I read Plain Truth last time, another Jodi Picoult book, and that inspired this read. I know I need some variety, but these are just too good! No book by Picoult is the same as another. I would consider myself a Jodi Picoult super fan. I can't wait to read the rest of her novels!


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