Sunday, November 13, 2011

Finals To-Do List

So as we all know, this is the last week of fall term. This means that we will check up on our second term schedules, have little homework, and a lot of studying to do in order to prepare for finals. This also means that the majority of us will take advantage of no homework to do things rather than study, procrastinate like no other, and cram the night before. A couple mental breakdowns due to stress and grade dependent finals may be thrown in there too. So, i have developed a check list to help all of you lost souls out there pass your finals (notice i said “pass”, not “do well”).
First things first: You must acknowledge the fact that you probably won’t do well on all of your finals. 
If you have a case of senioritis, like me, you will not have put all the effort you could have into this terms grades, and it probably shows. Therefore, in two days time, you cannot learn everything you skimped on through out the term.
Second: Become best friends with a super smart kid. 
See that kid in the middle? Prime example of smart friend. Plus, he likes harry potter which is even better.
I’m extremely pleased that i have intelligent friends. I can rely on them to teach me the necessities for the final. But for those of you who don’t have a smart friend, give a smart kid a compliment and beg for their help. The smart kids are nice, well most of them, and since they already know everything, they don’t need to study! SIDE NOTE: If you make them food, they will be more likely to help you.
Third: Go to Barnes and Noble. 
Gather your super smart friends and wait in line for a table to open up for you to sit at to study for an hour. Make sure yo purchase something from the Starbucks. A mean lady will kick you out if you don’t. The noisy atmosphere of everyone trying to study is very beneficial to your brain. You may not know it, but your brain takes in two streams of knowledge at a time. Conciously, you take in what you are trying to learn, but my theory, is that though you are not focusing on what the other kids studying are saying, you can absorb that information too! You can thank AP Psych for that bit of advice.
Fourth: Don’t do this until the day before finals.
Lets face it. You aren’t going to study on monday. You might on tuesday. But you definitely will on wednesday. You see, you won’t feel the pressure until it gets down to the very last minute. It’s like football players and watching the clock. After it gets to the fourth quarter and there is a minute left, the chances of winning when a team is 1 touchdown short is very real. They feel the pressure to make it happen. Plus, when you have all of the knowledge in your brain recently, you’ll remember it best of all!
The best thing about this tip is that under all of the pressure, you will feel the need to cry. Let it all out sweetie. Better it happen wednesday night than when you are actually taking it in class. That’d be embarrassing.

So there you go. Enjoy this last week of fall term. Go out side and play, forget about finals until wednesday, and pray that you pass.
Sarah =]

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