Thursday, November 10, 2011

In Stall Graffiti

Inspirational Stall Quotes
Art has always intrigued me, but something i don't understand is the graffiti inside of the women's bathroom stall. What's with all the hate ladies?

Today as i was urinating in the women's restroom on the south end of Kennedy (squatting of course. I wouldn't want to actually sit on the seat. It freaks me out), and i was reading the back of the stall door. It read, and i quote, "You are a jew." I have two problems with this. One: whoever wrote that with sharpie on the stall door is prejudiced. What's wrong with being Jewish? I don't see anything wrong with it. Two: Using the word "Jew" to offend someone is real lame. To me it means that that person has a limited vocabulary because they couldn't find a better word to use to insult someone. Come on. There are a whole range of words in various languages that could have been used, and they used Jew? That is ridiculous.

See, i just don't understand why bathroom stall graffiti has to be negative! Last year, in the swim locker room bathroom stall, someone had drawn a unicorn! That's what i like to see. Not Insecure girls taking satisfaction out of writing crude things on the wall to make other girls feel bad about themselves. That is absolute B.S.

Another popular one is the cliched SS<3'sDM. Come on. If you have the nerve to write your initials on the bathroom stall, write out the whole name! Let everyone know your feelings! You're already putting them out there for others to read in their private time. Your feelings are private, and girls read them in the privacy of the stall, how interesting! I do appreciate the love though. It's good to know that there are more than just haters using my usual bathroom stall.

So ladies, if you happen to come across a happy sticky note in a bathroom stall. Feel free to take it. I'll be spreading the love. I encourage you to do the same.

Sarah =]

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