Saturday, November 5, 2011


Thursday night was the last worksession for this comming issue of The Torch. Lemme tell ya. It was a party.
It all began Wednesday night when we came in after school to get started on the pages for the paper. Starbucks had just released their holiday edition cups for the season. Rachel Gilman got a little excited. You see, she has this unmeasurable love for the holidays. So she brought in all sorts of lights to decorate the workroom with. Chinese lanters, christmas tree lights, she even planned on making paper snowflakes. It was too funny. The workroom is now a pimped out fire hazard that inspires all sorts of journalistic creativity. It looks great!
happy holiday from the torch staff!
The next exciting thing, at least for Rach, was the christmas music. Let me remind you. It is two days after halloween. Rachel is our workroom DJ. We listened to christmas music for the majority of the night. Rachel was high on life.
When the music finally changed from Justin Beiber’s new christmas sound track, Annie Feltes and Riley Galbraith got up and did The Wobble. Needless to say. We had dance lessons that night.
To the third party observer, this may not seem so awesome, but if you stood in the workroom, you could feel the energy flowing from the Torch staff. Everyone was having a good time, and although there was much fun happening, pages were completed!
Thursday night was the last worksession for the upcomming issue of The Torch. We were a little less crazy and DJ Rachey Rach played a little bit of everything. We got down to business. Though we still had the inspiring, pimped out, fire hazard, lights on, we knew we had a deadline. We worked hard on our pages, discovered some mistakes, and the majority of the staff was out of there by 9 o’clock. That has to be some sort of record. The Editorial Board and Ben Feltes (brown) were the last to leave around 10, munching on cookies and participating in a Photo Booth photo shoot. I think you’ll enjoy the shots.
it was the cookies
Rach is lactose intolerant feasting on ice cream
the face
baby belly bump
Get excited for The Torch on Friday, November 11th (this coming friday). My photo pages are legit.
Rachel Gilman=Rach=DJ Rachey Rach
Sarah =]

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