Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Annotated BIb

Term 2 Annotated Bib #2

Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael. New York: Bantam/Turner Book, 1995. 268 pages

            This is a book that my AP Environmental Science teacher suggested. She gave us a list of good APES related books that we should read, so I decided to give it a shot. So far, it’s pretty good!
            At first, this book was hard to get into at first. I had to read in complete quiet with no distractions what so ever. If I even began to think about something else I had to stop or else I would miss something. The first few chapters were very important. They gave the background information that helps with the rest of the book. I haven’t finished yet. I still have a bit to go. But I am enjoying it very much.
            I think it is fascinating how this book is written from the point of view of a gorilla. Obviously, this is fiction. We don’t really know what a gorilla is thinking or saying. I don’t even fully understand how he is communicating with humans in the book! But his tale is fascinating.
            I relate to this gorilla in on way that I can see. Ishmael, the gorilla, loves to learn. I am the same way. Right now, for example, I am taking stat and finite. This class is the most boring and not beneficial class for me ever. I need something the challenge my brain! Without the challenge, I get bored easily.

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