Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Notebook

I'm going to sound like almost every other teenage hormonal girl in the universe in this post. Be prepared.

I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK. I recently watched the movie for the first time last month and i can't stop watching it. It is the sweetest thing i have ever seen. I just look at Ryan Gosling and think to myself, "Damn. I want one." Rachel McAdams is the luckiest girl in the world. No joke. Seriously. I'm watching the film as i write this. It is making for a rather distracting time.

I am weird for having this feeling of filling up with joy whenever i watch the happy parts of this movie? Because it happens every. single. time. Maybe it's just my experience with love, but this movie makes me so hopeful for the future! It is so cute i can hardly stand it. Yuck. Listen to me. I'm turning into so mushy, love drunk, teenager. Back to reality Sarah, back to reality.

I wish things like this happened in real life. With the divorce rate being 1/2 and watching my, and others relationships fall apart. It doesn't seem likely. Every girl should have someone who loves her just as much as Noah loves Allie in the notebook. They laugh. They play. They're happy!

If every boy looked like Ryan Gosling, i wouldn't be mad.

I'm just rambling here. Sorry if you were expecting some awesome Sarah wit. I'm just too drunk off this movie. Someone needs to take it away from me. Just kidding. If you did, i might hurt you.

What happened to letters? Do you remember when you used to get so excited when you got something in the mail? That still happens to me, except i'm usually let down with college harassment shit. I wouldn't mind a letter, you know? There is something so wonderful about getting something handwritten from someone else that is for you only. I want a letter. (my torch mail box is a great place to put one =])


PS. I promised Zach Kulish i would harass you about his art page on facebook. Go like it. I dare you.

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