Tuesday, January 10, 2012


LOLZ I GOT YOU!!!! This is my last post of the year. I promise. I just spent my afternoon with Emma Moss and i thought i'd do her the honor of writing a blog post all about her. It will make her year.

So i pick her up and we drive 5 feet when we see this 5 year old crossing the street. I was curious about why and Emma says, "She's going to my house!" "Why?" "We're friends. She calls me with her friend problems." Emma is friends with a 5 year old.

We then proceeded to attempt to find the Coffeesmiths on Edgewood Rd. In the process Emma thought it would be funny if the car ran out of gas, we almost sideswiped a car so Emma almost died. And then we did some weird awkward turn around in a parking lot once we found Coffeesmiths. Then we went into Coffeesmiths and saw Zach Kulish. He picked me out a white chocolate mocha (i didn't know what was good) and Emma got a "baby" carmel macciato (sp?).


We then proceeded to play Sorry and Candy Land. Emma, the fantastic person she is, beat me at sorry twice and i kicked her ass at Candy Land. When we left she wanted to pretend it was Halloween and go trick or treating.
When we got into my car, she wanted to go through the drive through to be funny. So we did. We got a strawberry italian soda. Then we drove home. On the car ride home Emma shared some of her life long goals with me. She would like to be on the people of Walmart website and become a Youtube sensation. She doesn't plan on attending college because she will have her Youtube sensation-ness to back her up. Both of my pillowpets are named Emma after her. She named them.

So that is the story of Emma Moss on December 31st. Happy New Year!

Sarah =]

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