Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Post New Year

So. We all celebrated the new year of 2012, most likely with a drink in our hand at a party with all of our friends. We have made resolutions, most of which will not be kept, and people are expecting change.

Why would anything change? It's just another day on the calendar. The sun rose. The sun set. The earth still rotated. What would change? Yourself? Well folks, the only way to change yourself is to decide to change yourself. It isn't going to magically happen over night on new years eve! My new years resolution was to keep up my nails. They aren't going to magically paint themselves every week! I have to do it. And i still haven't. Whoops.

I hop on Facebook for the first time in two days and everyones status is all "I don't feel different." "Change is here!" "Why do i feel the same?" Lemme tell ya why. It was just another day that holds no magical powers to make anything change except the number we right at the end of the date. I didn't expect change. Why would you? Maybe i'm just a negative nelly, but i don't see the change in myself do to the new year, and neither do most of you. I am assuming that is because there isn't one, and if you are hoping for one to magically happen...you're a fool. You have to make it happen yourself.


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