Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The New Year

This is my last blog post of 2011. Sad isn't it? I've neglected to blog this entire break from school and therefore i am behind on blogging for my class. No worries there though. I've got plenty of time to catch up.
I have never made a New Years Resolution. Ever. It shouldn't surprise most of those who know me. I don't make promises i can't keep and i don't like to be let down, even by myself. However, this year i have decided to make a few resolutions i believe i can keep up. Ey the change of heart? you might ask. This is my last year of high school and i will be beginning college in the fall. Things are going to be changing, so i figure i might as well do some changing myself. Also, this is my last chance to make resolutions considering the fact that the world is going to end this year (kidding. I don't believe that. You have the right to say "i told you so!" if the world does end.).

Resolution #1: Keep up my nails.
This may seem like a silly resolution to some of you, but i know i can do this one for sure. You see, i hate naked nails. They drive me crazy. I also bite my nails if they don't look pretty. So to solve both issues, i will make sure my nails are in pristine condition all through out 2012. I won't bite them. They will not grow outrageously long. They will be painted all the time. Chipped nails will be kept to a minimum. There is also this thing i stumbled upon. It said that you can tell a lot about a person from their nails. When their life starts to fall apart, they are one of the first things to go. That is resolution number one.

Resolution #2: Find a friend who is good at painting nails.
To go along with my first resolution, I can't paint my right hand's nails. My left hand is awful at maneuvering such advanced motions. My mother usually paints it for me, but seeing as i am going off to college in the fall, she won't be able to do that for me. I will be on my own. It won't work out. So for resolution number one to work out, resolution number two must work out as well.

Resolution #3: Stop dwelling on the past.
I have this problem. I like to reminisce. I don't know why. It's almost like punishing myself some of the time. I really need to stop doing it. I'll just be going on my way and BOOM something will remind me of something and my whole day will be ruined. I refuse to do this anymore. It is not kind to myself and I'm afraid others may suffer. I have the will, therefore there is a way. It is a new year. This one will not involve such nonsense.

Resolution #4: Pay it forward.
I like helping others. It makes me feel good. I'm not the richest kid in the world, but i'm not the poorest either. I like to help those who aren't as privileged as i am, so hopefully, they will have the same opportunities in life as me, or more. My mom told me about this person who set up this homeless woman and her 3 kids in an apartment for 6 months. The mom already had a job, she just couldn't save up the money for a place to live. I want to help people like this.

Resolution #5: Start my own business.
This one is ridiculous. I have no doubt about that. I won't be able to accomplish this most likely, but it is something that i would like to do. You see, downtown Cedar Rapids isn't as awful as people might think. It just needs some TLC, and business. I figure i could open up my own store down there for not too much, considering the flood and all. It would be nice to have something like that. It may be just another thing that i have to do, but i want to do it! I would tell you about the store...but i don't want you stealing my idea =]
So there are my resolutions for 2012. I hope i can do all of them. Notice that there is nothing about getting in shape, or losing 10 pounds. I have no desire to do either of those things. I am happy the way i am. And i wouldn't want to be disappointed. I love food too much.
Sarah =]

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