Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another Annotated bib

Term 2 Annotated Bib #1

Picoult, Jodi. Picture Perfect. New York: Berkley, 2002. 308 pages

            This book took me absolutely forever to read! I’m not sure why, but it did. I meant to read some every night, but just didn’t happen.
            Picture Perfect is another Jodi Picoult book. I think I have an addiction. I need to stop reading Jodi Picoult books. This was my last one for a while.
            I think the reason Picture Perfect took me so long to read was because I couldn’t relate to the characters. Cassie was a pregnant wife of a Hollywood movie star, Alex Rivers. She lost her memory trying to escape from an abusive marriage. I can’t relate to that at all! I am not pregnant and I am not in an abusive relationship. So I don’t understand at all!
            I was rather confused about half way through the book. I may have lost my page at some point, but I think the story line took a break and then returned, if that even makes any sense. I did a flashback type thing without any warning so I got confused! This was a couple weeks ago. I don’t think I enjoyed reading this book.

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