Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Take a bite out of this

While i am waiting for the 54029485029 photos i have edited for the Torch website to load, i figured i would blog some more. I am currently sitting in the Torch lab with my sister and all of the cool lights. It is 6:25 pm and i am expecting to be here a while longer. On the way, we decided to fuel up, stopping at McDonalds. I am in no way, shape, or form supporting their figure fattening foods, but damn. They taste so good sometimes!

There is a new product called McBites. Can you guess what they are? Popcorn chicken! Lemme tell ya. Kayla and i got a huge box of them for 5 bucks and ate every single one. om nom nom nom. Guess what? For lunch i had a burrito from Pancheros. And now i'm eating zio johnnos. I would say i'm a fat ass, but that is self-inflicting put downs. I don't believe in that kind of attitude. I can eat what i want because i'm comfortable about who i am.

But, if you want to talk about self improvement, there is this super awesome twitter thing called @uberfacts. There are the most interesting things tweeted from this user. Did you know it only takes four seconds for a silence to become awkward? How about that the average woman has 21 pairs of panties and ten 10% of women have over 35 pairs of panties? I'm telling you. This is great stuff.

My goal with @Uberfacts is to become like Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. He is so smart and so cute. What's better than that? I love Criminal Minds. i have all 6 seasons now. I'm going to watch some right after i finish this blog post.

I have to apologize for the random thoughtness that has become my most recent blog posts. They lack direction and purpose. I need to work on that. I have a distraction problem.

Speaking of distractions! Facebook is the number 1 distraction for a high school student. I made that up. But i can't ever get anything done on my computer at home because there is facebook available. When i am at school i don't have this problem. So distracting. I'm not sure i like it. But i recently switched to the facebook timeline. I am a fan. Really, i just wanted to make my cover photo my cover photo.

Sarah <3

ps. I love hearing about people who read my blog Caitlyn Carradus wrote on my timeline that she reads them, Emily McMickel does too. It makes me feel accomplished and want to blog more! teehee =]

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