Friday, January 13, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, NOT.

I apologize for all of you that enjoy the snow. I don't. I find it repulsive, cold, wet, dangerous, and time consuming. All of these are bad for me, i know some of you take pleasure in dangerous things, but to be honest, i was enjoying my snow less winter more than any other that i can remember.

Think back two weeks. It was 50 degrees outside, you didn't need a bulky jacket, you could ride your bike around the neighborhood without running into snowbanks or ice patches. For those of you who are students, you didn't have to scrape your car off at an ungodly hour of the morning. You could wear short sleeves to school and not freeze in class. The likely hood of getting into a car accident was significantly lower. You didn't have to wash your car so much. The sun shined.

The past two weeks were heaven for me. I love nothing more than spring and fall, the transitional seasons. not too cold, not too hot. And that's what it has been like.

BAM back to reality. We live in Iowa. Only here could it go from 50 to 15 degrees in a matter of hours. Only here would the Cedar Rapids school district have a superintendent from Minnesota who thinks the roads are okay when they aren't. Welcome back the days of freezing your face, fingers, hands, and legs off scraping your car and walking into school. Embrace the bitchy tweets from those who wanted the snow a day earlier. Enjoy the extra days of school you will have to make up in the summer. Have fun freezing your buns off while sliding down a hill or getting into a car accident. For those of you who claim that snow is beautiful, look at the snow on the roads. For those of you who eat snowflakes, i will out live you due to your consumption of cancer causing chemicals that polluted that snowflake you just ate. Oh, and don't forget the fact that your feet, hands and nose are never warm.

I could have gone all winter without the snow.


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