Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mis Matched Socks

I'm begining to regret ever not matching my socks. The fad has caught on and is out of control.
There are two types of Sock Mis-Matchers: The ones who do it because they think it's cool. And the ones who do it because it makes life easier. I want to eliminate the ones that do it because they think it's cool.

I mean, i get it. going all rebel and doing what your parents don't want you to do, even if it's the smallest detail, can make you seem cool, or at least, feel cool. But honestly, this is just ridiculous. You don't look cool, you look ridiculous! And don't think that people can't tell you apart from the people who do it to make life easier. There are definitely two different types and you can tell just by looking at the person. On A Day Without Shoes, i was appalled at the number of unmatched feet i saw wondering around the hallway. Ugh! First off, if people are going to see your socks, match them damn it! They are now considered an outer garmet and have to match! If they don't you look like a fool.

Recently, there has been a brand of mis-matched socks that has appeared in department stores called Little Miss Match. Guess what section you can find them in? The childrens section. I feel like this should say something to those of you who are still not matching your socks because its what you percieve as the "hip" thing to do. Children don't match their socks because it's cute. you're a young adult. It isn't cute anymore. You look dumb. And don't give me that whole "I don't want to grow up!" deal. You're in high school. You need to start matching your socks.

The other type of person who doesn't match their socks would be me. I don't match my socks because it makes life easier. I would rather use that extra five minutes of pairing my socks to do something else and live a little. Think about it. Imagine how much time you spend matching your socks, that could be spent doing something else. Add it up, i don't even want to think about how much time i used to waste. And when i don't match my socks, i'm not doing it to make a foolish statement. You can't see when i don'y match my socks, so why does it matter when they aren't matched? Guess what? It doesn't matter. It will not affect how people view me in any way, shape, or form. I will not be rejected from a job because they find me irresponsible because i can't figure out how to match my socks.

I mean, it's just ridiculous how far this fad has gone. I reach into my drawer and pull out the first two socks my hands touch. I don't search for the two socks that don't match, but still look good together. Plus, i love my socks, i have the deepest and upmost respect for what they do for my feet. For people to not respect them makes me angry. Match your fucking socks. You're in high school.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Annotated Bib #2 Term 3

The second book i've read this term is The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard. So far it is another depressing read that my mother recommended. I'm not all the way done with it, i'm about half way through the 448 pages. In total this term i've read about 640 pages.

In this book, yes another actual book! my poor nook is collecting dust. I miss it, a mother's son is kidnapped. Now how am i supposed to relate to that? Well, i found a way. You see, i am a huge Criminal Minds fan. I have all of the season so far on DVD. I love my parents. But in many of the episodes, the kid is kidnaped from the parents and the BAU is called in to save the day.

My mom is always telling me about how if i died she would just die. I get it. It would totally suck. But in this book, the mom acts worse than dying. She becomes a zombie (not literally). She doesn't do anything but sleep. It's so sad!

This book is kind id repetitive and boring. All it states over and over again is how the mom feels now that her child is gone. I get it. You've said it 239574857039 times already. There isn't really anything new going on. It kinda sucks. but i will bear with it, i hate quitting on a book. It's the worst feeling for me. I don't like quitting anything.

I dunno, maybe the ending will turn out to be better. So far it's not a gripping read for me.


Annotated Bib #1 Term 3

I read I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb starting at the end of second term. It's an extremely long book. Around 900 pages i believe. But it was a fast read!

My mother recommended that i read this book, i'm not sure why she thought i would like it, i'm not really one for sad books. What fun are they to read if they're sad the whole time? I did enjoy this book, but i wouldn't have minded something much more upbeat if you know what i mean.

I guess this means that it was out of my comfort zone, and that it was! It was an actual, physical book, not something that i bought on my nook. I didn't choose this book myself, my mom gave it to me to read. Usually it's the other way around. And it was sad. What a change!

I enjoyed reading this book, i truely did. But it was kind of annoying that i had to carry it outside of my backpack because it was so big. This, however, led me to read it more in class when i had extra time to read. This usually occurs during first hour in Mr. Hoyer's class. It is so easy and i often find myself bored, so i read the whole class period. It is a grand time.

I didn't really relate to the main character, Dominick, in this book. He was a twin with a schizophrenic, identical, twin brother who has been put into a mental hospital after cutting off his own hand in a library for God. I don't have a twin brother. None of my siblings have died. I don't have step parents. My home life is pleasant, and i love my dad very much. This character couldn't be farther from me.

This book made me happy for the life i have, and grateful for my parents. Not everyone has a happy home life, and i'm glad that i do.


I'm Artsy, Literally

LOL. conceited title. go sarah.

Lately i have found myself keeping up with some of the crafts that i enjoy doing. These consist of knitting, taking photos, and painting flower pots. Yesterday i finished my first knit scarf and today i finished a flower-pot. I'm on a role! I'll explain my processes for you.
In order to be artsy, you have to do art. Duh. i feel like it's self-explanatory. I have to be in the mood to do crafts, or else they turn out bad. I do what i feel like doing, you know? If i feel like reading, i read. If i feel like watching Criminal Minds, i watch Criminal Minds. If i feel like knitting, i knit. If i feel like painting, i paint! You get the picture.
Step two to my artsy-ness relates to above. I find out what i feel like doing. Then, i do it.
The End.
I was going to come up with some really elaborate, confusing, sarcastic, and inaccurate description about artsy people, but i decided against it. I'll save my fingers and your time. However, I'll tell you about my recent crafts.
This summer a rather odd feeling came over me. I felt like painting. This was odd for me because I've never really painted before. I knew i couldn't paint something on paper, so i asked my mom to paint my room. She said no. So i asked to paint our hammock stand. She said no. So i asked if i could go buy some flower pots and paint them and she said she didn't care. So off to the store i went. I stopped in the crafts isles at walmart on my way to the gardening section to pick up paints and brushes. Then i invested in four pots, two large, one small, and one tiny. That day i sat out in the sun and painted one of my large flower pots. My mom has it on display on our kitchen table. Now, this isn't just a one color pot. I came up with a design, i sketched it with my pencil, and then i painted over it. Twas quite the good time.
Tonight, however, i painted a pot in about an hour. i got out my paper plates (for mixing paint, i'm ghetto), newspaper (you can't leave a mess!), mug of water (you gotta rinse the brushes!), paper towels (you gotta dry the brushes after you rinse them!), and my paint! I used my small pot.
I was stumbling and found inspiration. I saw a quote i really liked and decided to use it. I painted my pot and painted on the quote. Ta Da! Instant happiness for me. I love my finished products!

There is beauty in simplicity
That ^ is the one i did tonight.

C'est La Vie
That ^ is the one that i did a few months ago in 10 minutes before i had to go to work. I keep my earrings in it=]
Now to knitting. Last winter i started i scarf for none other than Ben Feltes himself. I never finished it. Then i went on a road trip this past week and i finished it. I then sewed the ends together and made it an infinity scarf! Yay! double win right there. I had been wanting another knit scarf and another infinity scarf. Bam. Two in one.

hehe scarf =
Yup. That's all i got. And this little diddy right here.
Sarah =]

Color Outside the Lines.

Waking up in the morning

There is nothing quite like the .429374908 seconds right when you achieve consciousness, but before the world hits you, in the morning. This is my absolute favorite time of day. There are no worries. There are no emotions except bliss, or anger depending on your nights sleep. This morning my moment of bliss was interrupted by my mother waking me up and shoving the Lollapalooza line up in my face.

I can't lie. I am so fracken excited for this line up i might have peed a little when i read it. The headliners aren't that great, but i love all of the other bands! I am anxiously awaiting the moments when i get to see Florence + The Machine, Passion Pit, Sigur Ros, M83, Fun., Chairlift, Oberhofer, and First Aid Kit. Seriously. I might die.

First off, i would give my soul to see Florence. They are my favorite band ever! Florence Welch is a lyrical genius, not to mention her killer vocals. I've loved the band since the moment i heard them. Of course i was obsessed with The Dog Days are Over, their first single, but i have decided upon my favorite song by Florence and the Machine. It's Cosmic Love. I can't help but be overwhelmed by the instrumentals and the vocals and how well they collide.

Passion Pit is another one of my all time favorite bands. I remember hearing Sleepyhead on a commercial and then the next day Dan McCoy played it in his car. I became addicted immediately. There is nothing like the bouncy tunes produced by Passion Pit and they never fail to put me in a happy mood. At least one of their songs has been on my summer playlists for three years running. I can't say the same for Rocket to the Moon or a lot of other bands.

Sigur Ros i have recently discovered. I love their music. It's soothing. It reminds me of last summer with Marie Treangen and how we discovered Jonsi, a similar artist. Jonsi was the artist used for the credits used at the end of How to Train your Dragon. Essentially, that is how Sigur Ros feels. I will be listening to them for many more rainy days to come.

Oh M83, how i love you. When i read the fake released Lolla line up, i was so excited to see M83! I am extremely pleased that they are on the real line up for this year. Midnight City is a work of art. Popular, but unappreciated. One of my favorite songs today. I'm sad though that AWOLNATION will not be performing at Lolla. They were on the rumored line up and i would have enjoyed seeing them live.

Fun. has recently switched lanes into the mainstream track. Their hit single, We Are Young, is rocking the radio stations, at least it is here in CR. I agree with everyone who has voted it number one on Z102.9's 9 o'clock most requested. I love it. But the rest of Fun.'s album is also fantastic. Mo Cheetany was angered to hear them on the radio, but i say, more power to 'em! They earned it. And it's about time people start listening to good music.

Essentially, i really only like one song by Chairlift. But i have also only listened to one song by Chairlift. I'm not sure what has consumed me, but i feel like i don't need to listen to any more. Bruises is hilarious to me. It's about falling in love, but every single lyric could be made into a "that's what she said". I just think it would be grand to see them perform that song live.

Oberhofer. This dates back to last summer when Michael Nordstrom made me a playlist. I love them! They were recently in Iowa City for a musical weekend, but unfortunately the show was 19 and up, so i was unable to attend. I was broken-hearted. I love Oberhofer. The oOoOoOoO song is my favorite, i was just too lazy too look up how they spelt the 00oooOOOO's.

And last but not least, First Aid Kit. There isn't much to say.

Honestly, i'm curious to see how many of these bands that i enjoy have talent. I already know Florence and the Machine does, which makes me love them that much more, but i guess we will see the rest! I am so excited for Lolla!

Sarah =]

Harry Potter Crop Tops

A few weekends ago, me and Lindsay made our own shirts. We didn't stitch every singe thread, but i was stumbling a few months ago and came across this Deathly Hallows shirt that i could buy for thirty dollars. Why would i buy this shirt for 30 dollars when i can make my own (times two) for less than that? So that is exactly what we did.

Step 1: Get plain white t-shirts from Wal-Mart

I guess you don't need to buy new white tee's, if you already have some lying around you can use those, but i didn't so Linds and i bought some! Haynes is the way to go. Crew neck is a good idea for these crop tops.
Step 2: Collect black paint, paint brushes, paint tape, a protractor, cups, paper towels, paper plates, cardboard, scissors, and a pencil

I feel like this step is self explanatory. I suggest black acrylic paint. It won't wash out.

Step 3: Find a place to make your shirts


Step 4: Outline

Alright, be serious now, i wouldn't want you to laugh or anything. Lay out your t-shirt on a flat surface and slide the cardboard inside the shirt. This will prevent the paint from leaking through to the back side of the shirt.. If you already have a crop top, lay it on top of your t-shirt and outline around the crop top with a pencil.

If you don't have a crop top already, I suggest putting the t-shirt on and drawing a line where you want the crop to end. Then outline a tank top and a scoop neck in pencil also. The pencil is there so you can change your mind later if you want. I did. Then lay out your shirt and put the cardboard inside of it.

Step 5: Make the stone.

Place the cup upside-down in the middle of your shirt. Make sure it isn't cut off by the outline of you scoop neck or the arm holes.

Then put some black paint onto a paper plate and dip a medium-sized brush into it. You are going to outline the cup with black paint. Don't worry if it's not perfect, that's what makes making your own shirt awesome. It's one of a kind. Voila, here is the stone of the Deathly Hallows.

Step 6: Make the cloak.

Here is the tricky part. We made the cloak an equilateral triangle. To start, we put a strip of paint tape about a half-inch away from the bottom of the stone, parallel with the bottom of the shirt.

We then measured 60 degree angles on each end of the tape and then taped those too, also about a half-inch away from the stone. Then we mirrored each tape with another piece that lined up with the edge of the stone.(see pictures. It's really not as complicated as it sounds). Then we painted between the pieces of tape creating the cloak!

Step 7: The Wand

This is the easiest part. Place two pieces of paint tape a half-inch apart so the wand goes right down the middle of the cloak and through the stone. Fill it in with more black paint.

Step 8: Dry

Remove the paint tape strips.

Dry the paint with a hair dryer. It shouldn't take too long.

Step 9: Cut

Now is the fun part! Cut out your outline. Make sure you don't cut a scoop in the back of your shirt like i did! Just cut off the collar and no more in the back.

Step 10: Jump

You're set to go!

Sarah =]

Disney Classic

In case you didn't know, my favorite disney movie of all time is Beauty and the Beast. There just isn't anything like it! From the level one french phrases, to the footstool dog, this Disney movie is unique.

You can argue that it is just like the others, but let's be real. Does any other disney movies have a scary ass monster who lives in a demon castle with walking, talking house accessories? I didn't think so either. I admire Belle for giving up everything she has for her father. Does any other princess do that? Nope. In fact, the Little Mermaid runs away from her dad and everything he has provided her. What a rude rebel. Why would you want to be human anyway?

Also, Belle falls in love with the Beast. In the society we live in today, there isn't a lot of true love, though you would think there would be tons due to a woman's right to choose her own husband. But lately all we see is divorce and young gold diggers who marry the old rich people. ugh. Belle kicks the rude, disgusting, vain, and attractive Gaston out of her house and into the mud. You go girl.

The music in Beauty in the Beast is also fantastic. I know every song. I want my dishes to sing to me at the dinner table! 

I must say though, Belle can be an idiot. Why would you walk down the street and read a book at the same time? You could get hit by an apple cart! Why would you go to the west wing when the scary ass beast told you not to? i just want to punch her at that part in the movie. Why would you leave the castle in the middle of the night when there are wolves? 

I dunno, i have to blog a lot today for AP Lang. I'm starting to run out of ideas =\



Okay, so basically i've spent the entire day with Lindsay Minder and we have been just freaking out about prom. I have my dress and my shoes but i still need my earrings and how to do my hair, which is my biggest problem right about now. My hair is stubborn and doesn't like to cooperate. This is what it looks like after Lindsay curled it.

sew kerli
So whatever it is, it has to be simple. The other thing, my dress is one shouldered. This makes it difficult to figure out whether or not to put my hair up. If i want to put it to one side, what side would i put it to? AHHH! For WPA i almost cried because i didn't know what to do with my hair and i ended up putting it into a ponytail. I'd like to be prepared for prom this time. I've picked out a few. But first here's my dress:
Yeah, except mines red not pink. I'd like to do my hair up, but not super high like the models. I was thinking maybe a bun off to the side, or just a low bun. I don't know. If you have suggestions or ideas please help me! Here's what i'm going to try i think
I like it because it looks complicated but it's not, it's actually really simple. My other idea was to french braid my hair down the back of my head diagonally and put it into a messy bun on the side. That's what i did last year and it looked good.
My mother, however, likes it when my hair is down. She would like me to try a waterfall braid like this one. I really like it, i just don't know how it would look with my dress! I want to look like an elegant, classy woman.
My friends Mackenzie knows me well, and she thinks that i should do my hair in loose curls and pull half of it back into a baby hair bow. I do like hair bows...but i think i'd do a daintier hair bow than the one below. Really thin and loose.

Wahh! I seriously don't know what to do. I can't do my own hair and i can't decide. Someone help me!



Okay, let's be real. Prom is one night out of 23058720594857094857293875 nights that we will have in out lives. Why do people spend over 1,000 dollars on this one night? When Mr. Grady told our class the average couple spends more than 1,000 dollars on prom my jaw dropped. I just find this absolutely ridiculous! This is so much money to spend on one night of our lives. Why would we do that? When it causes more stress than it does fun leading up to the big day, why waste 1,000 dollars that could be used to pay off our college loans?

Why are we stressing so much about this one night of our lives? Honestly, it is going to last 4 hours + post prom. Why the stress? Why panic about finding a prom dress that no one else will have. Why stress about being asked to prom? Why stress about who you are going to ask to prom? Why stress about the group you're going to go with? Why stress about where you're going to eat dinner? Why stress about getting your hair done? Why stress about finding the perfect shoes that wont even be visible beneath your dress? Why stress about all of these things that lead up to 4 hours of your life?

I guess i'm just kind of realizing how ridiculous this whole thing is. Our media and society blows up this one night so much that people spend a thousand plus dollars for this four hours. Why do we feel like it has to be perfect? Because society tells us to do so! I'm even stressing about this stuff. I hate when people have the same dress that i do. It's only happened once and i didn't enjoy it. I recently got a date, and until then i was freaking out. My friends are freaking out. This is so ridiculous!

So far i haven't really enjoyed the prom lead up, i hope that its worth it two weeks from now!


Iowa City: We Put All of Our Creativity Into the Name

That is a quote from a t-shirt found inside RAYGUN in Iowa City. I was there yesterday, and i realized that some people don't know the novelty that Iowa City is. It is honestly one of my favorite places ever.

First there is the Ped Mall, home to the bread market and RAYGUN and Ragstock and Revival and the White Rabbit and many other fabulous stores. This is where i shop. You wonder where i get my clothes? There it is! Seriously though, they have the most unique items and you probably won't find it anywhere else. They're fun and locally owned, which means they are better for the economy. Also, the people working at the stores aren't stuck up snobs who don't want to help you with anything, they actually like what they do and will help you decide and find things that fit you. The customer service is some of the best. WARNING: If you don't like vintage or out-of-the-box clothing, this probably isn't the place for you, stick to Coralridge Mall.

Iowa City is also rumored to be home to the very first Pancheros! It's one block from the Ped Mall on Clinton St. It is open until 2 AM and there are two floors for your seating preference. It is large, they have nice bathrooms, and who doesn't like Panch? Chipotle is right across the street, but i don't think it looks nearly as interesting as Pancheros.

Mesa's is my favorite place to eat. It's a pizzeria (don't be turned off be this. They make pizza. It's not fancy or anything) that makes the craziest pizzas! I love them. My favorite is the Mac 'n Cheese pizza or the Buffalo Chicken pizza. They also have Pesto, Cheeseburger and lot's of other kinds too! They aren't gross, i promise. It is the best pizza i have ever had, and i can't emphasize this enough. The crust is perfect, they warm it up for you before you eat it, and it is only $3 a slice. Did i mention the slices are huge? You won't need more than one. It is found near the Ped Mall also, on East Washington St.

Lets cross the street to the Den, also on East Washington Street. This store holds Hawkeye merchandise, hookah's and things like that, and all sorts of snacks and beverages. It's like a mini convenience store! Lemme tell you the best deal. A 44 oz drink for about 54 cents. Do you know how big 44 oz is? It's massive! It lasts me three hours on a hot summer day. It's the best. They also have small drinks for even cheaper than 54 cents. It's great!

Let's move on to the alleys. I advise people to not venture into them alone at night. That's just stupid. But during the day time, they're mostly harmless, but that doesn't mean that you should go in there alone! I never have. That would be just stupid. You could die. But they prove for some interesting photo opportunities and some fun murals. I took some pictures for Jordan Muir in Iowa City and i just love the alleys. But again, don't venture into them alone.

This photo was taken in my favorite alley. The entire side of a building is a huge mural. It's fascinating. Oh, and alley's aren't private property. You're allowed to venture into them.

Finally, i just have to describe to you the hilarious t-shirts found in RAYGUN. My mom laughed so hard she snorted. I purchased one that says "not everything in Iowa is flat"
and i already have one that says "Iowans: the few, the proud, the extremely attractive."
Most of the t-shirts make fun of people who remark on Iowa's faults, usually politicians. They also address issues that are hot in politics, like gay marriage. There is a nice one in there making fun of Stephen Bloom. I'm a fan. But not only do they have clever t-shirts, they have lomography cameras and film, accessories, and silly books. My mom's favorite is the Creative Cursing book. She came across one that said "Tampon Rammer" Oh man, you really got them with that one. Seriously though. i love this place. If you wanted to get me a t-shirt from there, i wear a size small, i wouldn't be mad.

Sarah =]

One Direction or One Hit Wonder?

I'm assuming that i will be getting a load of crap about this, but honestly, is the band One Direction talented?

Yes, their single, What Makes you Beautiful, is a catchy tune, but that doesn't mean they're talented! So far i've only heard one single from them, there may be more to come, but honestly, i could see them as a one hit wonder.

How many other bands have topped the charts with their one single? How about Secondhand Serenade? Remember that song, Fall For You? Yeah, i just had to look it up in my iTunes library because i couldn't remember their one song. How about Cobra Starship? i love that band, but they've only had one single on the radio. How about The Fray with How to Save a Life? or My Favorite Highway with Say So? Yes, all of these songs have topped the charts, but they didn't produce anything that the radio companies deemed fit for another single to hit the public. Will any of One Direction's?

Back to the talented thing. Just because they have pretty faces and attractive bodies doesn't mean they're talented. It makes them a product the label is selling to you. Do you know how many famous, untalented people are out there just because of technology? It really isn't fair. Take Lana Del Rey for instance. She sounds great in her songs, but watch this clip from SNL.


How awful is this? She's just a pretty product who can't sing or perform. What is with the awkward touching herself and the awkward spin arounds? Ugh. I can't stand not talented people.

Oh here's an even better one! Taylor Swift. I do recognize her for her song writing skills, those are great, but just because you can write songs doesn't mean that you can sing them. Have you ever heard her live? She is flat 100% of the time! She can't sing. So why is she famous? Just because they can auto-tune her doesn't make her talented.

So again. I raise the question, is One Direction really talented? or will they be the next one hit wonder?


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Lets be real. We all do it. So why are the public bathroom encounters so awkward? We’ve all done it, we may not have had a choice! But we have all pooped in a public bathroom.

Situation A: Oh Shit, there’s a line!

Okay, so this one probably only applies to the women. You’re rushing to the bathroom because your bowels are about to explode. What are you supposed to do?!? Clench your cheeks together like your life depends on it. But here is the second problem. The bathroom is populated with other people, and they are all going to hear you take a shit. How awkward is that? There are going to be farts and splashes and groans. Oh man. You go do your business, it was a messy one. What are you supposed to say to the person who is next in line and has to take your stall? “You gotta do what you gotta do, you know?” or how about a, “What?! It’s a natural bodily function!” or the classic, “Don’t die.” Then watch your prey go into the smelly chamber of secrets. You can hear her retching from inside that little stall. Poor girl. To the sink you go to wash your hands and observe the judgmental women who never poop (kelsi) exchange glances. Punch them in the face. Exit.

Situation B: Yes! I have the bathroom all to myself! Oh shit, someone’s coming!

This one is my favorite. It’s that awkward moment when you are in mid poop and someone else walks into the bathroom. What do you do? do you pretend that you aren’t there? Do you continue pooping like nothing is wrong? Do you carefully observe them like a trained spy by looking through the stall’s cracks? Oh! Here’s the best one, waiting until they flush to release the beast. That way the potentially loud fart and plop aren’t audible. Another common one is waiting until the bathroom is clear again before you exit the stall. Why would you do this? Why would you sit in our own stink waiting for other people to leave so that you don’t have to feel embarrassed while washing your hands? You gather up the fecal smell, and then everyone you pass in class or in the hallway knows you just took a dump instead of the one other person in the bathroom. The downside to this may be that this one person is that one person that no one likes because they blab everything. Yeah, then everyone will know you took a shit at school. OH. MY. GOD.

OH! and this is the worst. When those conceited girls walk into the bathroom mid-poop and are just talking and fixing their hair in front of the mirror, blocking all of the sinks so you would have to make contact with actual people before washing your hands. Oh man. The bathroom is such a great place!

Situation C: There is a teacher in the stall next to you grunting like a baby pig.

This one has actually happened to me. It was quite awkward to say the least. How was i supposed to contain my giggles? I didn’t. I finished my business and left. Then i proceeded to tweet that there was a teacher in the bathroom who was grunting. What else could i do? It was one of the funniest moments of my life!

Situation D: Two of you walk into the bathroom at the same time, neither speaking, but both listening.

I feel like this applies to pee-ers too. You both walk into the bathroom. You know who both of you are, but you aren’t exactly friends. you go into stalls that are at least one stall apart. You both are peeing. Neither of you speaking. Both of you can hear each other peeing. Then both of you finish at the same time and both of you wash your hands, not looking at each other in the mirror, and both exit without exchanging one word. AWKWARD!!! This situation is the funniest to me. I seriously try to make the other person feel as awkward as possible, whats the fun in not abusing this awkward situation? It lightens the mood! Though i don’t know why using the restroom makes such a dreary mood, everyone does it. But when you’re both pooping, you know that you are racing to try to get done first so that you can avoid contact with the other person and get the hell out of the bathroom before they realize who you are. But the awkward part is that you both do that, so the same situation commences as above! LOL. I mean think about it. you just tried to poop really fast so that you could avoid someone doing the exact same thing as you. I love bathroom encounters.

Situation E: You have that kind enough friend who goes with you to the bathroom even though you told her you needed to take a dump.

This friend is a keeper. Never do her wrong. Not only can she stand you at your finest moments in the bathroom, she can take your odor. This is something to cherish. Not everyone can handle you, you will come to learn one day. In fact, you might hear the girls in the bathroom that don’t ever pop because there is something physically wrong with them giggle at your relationship. No worries. The friend that isn’t pooping but is probably holding your water bottle will smack ‘em for ya. She’s a good friend. She will even probably turn on the sink for you so that everyone else doesn’t have to listen to you using the rest room. But lets be real, it isn’t for everyone else, it’s because you aren’t comfortable enough with your body to let it do what it needs to do without other people hearing. Come on. There are 4583740 stalls in the bathroom. Everyone uses them for the same purpose.

Okay, so these may have only happened to me, but i’m fairly certain that others have gone through similar experiences, especially women. LOL get over it. We poop. Everyone does. And sometimes you gotta go!

LOL i wrote 1050 words about poop.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Music Overload

This summer i plan on attending at least three music festivals. Electric Forest, 80/35, and Lollapalooza. I can’t wait!
For those of you uneducated music listeners who listen to what the radio tells you to, Electric Forest is a music festival held in Rothbury, Michigan June 29 through July 2. Essentially, there is techno music galore with some headliners (popular artists) thrown in there too. Why is it call electric forest you may ask? Well it is held on the outskirts of a forest. There are lights and stages and campgrounds, and hammocks and glow sticks fa dayz. There are even bands that aren’t mentioned on the line up that perform in the forest that you have to go find. I can’t wait.
80/35 music festival that is held only a couple hours away in Des Moines, Iowa. This year Death Cab for Cutie is going to be there and you can count on me being there too. It’s not nearly as large as Lollapalooza, but it’s a music festival just the same. Who doesn’t love music festivals?
Lollapalooza is the big one, probably one of the most well known music festivals in the United States. Held in Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois, it features the major headliners of todays music scene as well as hundreds of other artists. Thousands of people go every year and hotels are booked in hugely in advance. Though it’s expensive, i hear that it is the ultimate experience. I can’t wait for the line up!
Oh, and i would kill to go the Firefly music festival in Delaware. The line up is killer. You can look all of these festivals up below!
This summer is going to be great


So as we all know, Prom is just a few weeks away. For some of us, it's a stress. For some, it's an adventure. Ladies, i think it's about time the men know what's going on in our mind right meow. The following are situations that we, ladies, may be experiencing.

Situation A: I have a boyfriend so i don't need to worry about a prom date.

These lucky women don't need to worry about finding a prom date, they're lucky enough to have one built right into their lives, but lemme tell ya boyz, unless she is the most wonderful woman on earth who doesn't give two farts about prom, your girlfriend still wants you to ask her to prom. Not just text her, she wants you to ask her in some super, doped up, sweet way that she can brag to her friends about and they can post pictures of on facebook about with captions that say "ZOMG THIS IS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!" to rub in every other girls face. Yeah. I feel for you. No pressure or anything. And you're dating them. If it sucks, they might just think that you don't know them well at all, or that you just don't care. Let the fighting commence!

Situation B: I've already been asked to prom!

I don't care that you've been asked to prom. I'm pissed that you got ask by one of the last men standing. Guys, you don't need to worry about them either. They're off the prom market. Keep looking! There are still some girls left, in fact, quite a few. No girl wants to have to ask someone to prom, they want to be asked! If you're an underclassmen dood who wants to take a senior girl to prom, ASK HER!


This situation, sadly, applies to me. I didn't break the hanger though, that was all Lindsay Minder in her freak out moment. Don't worry, she's alright. I have taken the hanger away and am requesting 2 new ones in its place. I am always in need of more hangers,  they always seem to disappear! It's the damn nargles.
But in all seriousness, I know many, many girls who don't have dates and are freaking out. No one wants to be the one of the losers without a date at prom! Who would they dance with? Who would they go to dinner with? What's the point in even going? Oh, and let's be real. All of these girls already have dresses. If they aren't asked, they are going to be livid that they won't get to use the beautiful dress that has been staring them in the face everyday for three months as a constant reminder of their future and the fact that they still don't have a prom date. Who wants that?

Situation D: I don't care.

Ahh, i wish i was one of these girls. You see, these girls are a rare breed. They don't need a date to have fun, which i completely understand. But they also don't care if they even go to prom. I don't understand this, it's like a right of passage! It's like going to a strip club once you turn 18!

Yeah, i've lost my train of thought, but essentially, i need a prom date, and i wouldn't be mad if you asked me.
