Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mis Matched Socks

I'm begining to regret ever not matching my socks. The fad has caught on and is out of control.
There are two types of Sock Mis-Matchers: The ones who do it because they think it's cool. And the ones who do it because it makes life easier. I want to eliminate the ones that do it because they think it's cool.

I mean, i get it. going all rebel and doing what your parents don't want you to do, even if it's the smallest detail, can make you seem cool, or at least, feel cool. But honestly, this is just ridiculous. You don't look cool, you look ridiculous! And don't think that people can't tell you apart from the people who do it to make life easier. There are definitely two different types and you can tell just by looking at the person. On A Day Without Shoes, i was appalled at the number of unmatched feet i saw wondering around the hallway. Ugh! First off, if people are going to see your socks, match them damn it! They are now considered an outer garmet and have to match! If they don't you look like a fool.

Recently, there has been a brand of mis-matched socks that has appeared in department stores called Little Miss Match. Guess what section you can find them in? The childrens section. I feel like this should say something to those of you who are still not matching your socks because its what you percieve as the "hip" thing to do. Children don't match their socks because it's cute. you're a young adult. It isn't cute anymore. You look dumb. And don't give me that whole "I don't want to grow up!" deal. You're in high school. You need to start matching your socks.

The other type of person who doesn't match their socks would be me. I don't match my socks because it makes life easier. I would rather use that extra five minutes of pairing my socks to do something else and live a little. Think about it. Imagine how much time you spend matching your socks, that could be spent doing something else. Add it up, i don't even want to think about how much time i used to waste. And when i don't match my socks, i'm not doing it to make a foolish statement. You can't see when i don'y match my socks, so why does it matter when they aren't matched? Guess what? It doesn't matter. It will not affect how people view me in any way, shape, or form. I will not be rejected from a job because they find me irresponsible because i can't figure out how to match my socks.

I mean, it's just ridiculous how far this fad has gone. I reach into my drawer and pull out the first two socks my hands touch. I don't search for the two socks that don't match, but still look good together. Plus, i love my socks, i have the deepest and upmost respect for what they do for my feet. For people to not respect them makes me angry. Match your fucking socks. You're in high school.


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