Sunday, April 15, 2012


Okay, let's be real. Prom is one night out of 23058720594857094857293875 nights that we will have in out lives. Why do people spend over 1,000 dollars on this one night? When Mr. Grady told our class the average couple spends more than 1,000 dollars on prom my jaw dropped. I just find this absolutely ridiculous! This is so much money to spend on one night of our lives. Why would we do that? When it causes more stress than it does fun leading up to the big day, why waste 1,000 dollars that could be used to pay off our college loans?

Why are we stressing so much about this one night of our lives? Honestly, it is going to last 4 hours + post prom. Why the stress? Why panic about finding a prom dress that no one else will have. Why stress about being asked to prom? Why stress about who you are going to ask to prom? Why stress about the group you're going to go with? Why stress about where you're going to eat dinner? Why stress about getting your hair done? Why stress about finding the perfect shoes that wont even be visible beneath your dress? Why stress about all of these things that lead up to 4 hours of your life?

I guess i'm just kind of realizing how ridiculous this whole thing is. Our media and society blows up this one night so much that people spend a thousand plus dollars for this four hours. Why do we feel like it has to be perfect? Because society tells us to do so! I'm even stressing about this stuff. I hate when people have the same dress that i do. It's only happened once and i didn't enjoy it. I recently got a date, and until then i was freaking out. My friends are freaking out. This is so ridiculous!

So far i haven't really enjoyed the prom lead up, i hope that its worth it two weeks from now!


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