Sunday, April 15, 2012


Okay, so basically i've spent the entire day with Lindsay Minder and we have been just freaking out about prom. I have my dress and my shoes but i still need my earrings and how to do my hair, which is my biggest problem right about now. My hair is stubborn and doesn't like to cooperate. This is what it looks like after Lindsay curled it.

sew kerli
So whatever it is, it has to be simple. The other thing, my dress is one shouldered. This makes it difficult to figure out whether or not to put my hair up. If i want to put it to one side, what side would i put it to? AHHH! For WPA i almost cried because i didn't know what to do with my hair and i ended up putting it into a ponytail. I'd like to be prepared for prom this time. I've picked out a few. But first here's my dress:
Yeah, except mines red not pink. I'd like to do my hair up, but not super high like the models. I was thinking maybe a bun off to the side, or just a low bun. I don't know. If you have suggestions or ideas please help me! Here's what i'm going to try i think
I like it because it looks complicated but it's not, it's actually really simple. My other idea was to french braid my hair down the back of my head diagonally and put it into a messy bun on the side. That's what i did last year and it looked good.
My mother, however, likes it when my hair is down. She would like me to try a waterfall braid like this one. I really like it, i just don't know how it would look with my dress! I want to look like an elegant, classy woman.
My friends Mackenzie knows me well, and she thinks that i should do my hair in loose curls and pull half of it back into a baby hair bow. I do like hair bows...but i think i'd do a daintier hair bow than the one below. Really thin and loose.

Wahh! I seriously don't know what to do. I can't do my own hair and i can't decide. Someone help me!


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