Monday, April 9, 2012


So as we all know, Prom is just a few weeks away. For some of us, it's a stress. For some, it's an adventure. Ladies, i think it's about time the men know what's going on in our mind right meow. The following are situations that we, ladies, may be experiencing.

Situation A: I have a boyfriend so i don't need to worry about a prom date.

These lucky women don't need to worry about finding a prom date, they're lucky enough to have one built right into their lives, but lemme tell ya boyz, unless she is the most wonderful woman on earth who doesn't give two farts about prom, your girlfriend still wants you to ask her to prom. Not just text her, she wants you to ask her in some super, doped up, sweet way that she can brag to her friends about and they can post pictures of on facebook about with captions that say "ZOMG THIS IS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!" to rub in every other girls face. Yeah. I feel for you. No pressure or anything. And you're dating them. If it sucks, they might just think that you don't know them well at all, or that you just don't care. Let the fighting commence!

Situation B: I've already been asked to prom!

I don't care that you've been asked to prom. I'm pissed that you got ask by one of the last men standing. Guys, you don't need to worry about them either. They're off the prom market. Keep looking! There are still some girls left, in fact, quite a few. No girl wants to have to ask someone to prom, they want to be asked! If you're an underclassmen dood who wants to take a senior girl to prom, ASK HER!


This situation, sadly, applies to me. I didn't break the hanger though, that was all Lindsay Minder in her freak out moment. Don't worry, she's alright. I have taken the hanger away and am requesting 2 new ones in its place. I am always in need of more hangers,  they always seem to disappear! It's the damn nargles.
But in all seriousness, I know many, many girls who don't have dates and are freaking out. No one wants to be the one of the losers without a date at prom! Who would they dance with? Who would they go to dinner with? What's the point in even going? Oh, and let's be real. All of these girls already have dresses. If they aren't asked, they are going to be livid that they won't get to use the beautiful dress that has been staring them in the face everyday for three months as a constant reminder of their future and the fact that they still don't have a prom date. Who wants that?

Situation D: I don't care.

Ahh, i wish i was one of these girls. You see, these girls are a rare breed. They don't need a date to have fun, which i completely understand. But they also don't care if they even go to prom. I don't understand this, it's like a right of passage! It's like going to a strip club once you turn 18!

Yeah, i've lost my train of thought, but essentially, i need a prom date, and i wouldn't be mad if you asked me.


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