Sunday, April 15, 2012

Annotated Bib #2 Term 3

The second book i've read this term is The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard. So far it is another depressing read that my mother recommended. I'm not all the way done with it, i'm about half way through the 448 pages. In total this term i've read about 640 pages.

In this book, yes another actual book! my poor nook is collecting dust. I miss it, a mother's son is kidnapped. Now how am i supposed to relate to that? Well, i found a way. You see, i am a huge Criminal Minds fan. I have all of the season so far on DVD. I love my parents. But in many of the episodes, the kid is kidnaped from the parents and the BAU is called in to save the day.

My mom is always telling me about how if i died she would just die. I get it. It would totally suck. But in this book, the mom acts worse than dying. She becomes a zombie (not literally). She doesn't do anything but sleep. It's so sad!

This book is kind id repetitive and boring. All it states over and over again is how the mom feels now that her child is gone. I get it. You've said it 239574857039 times already. There isn't really anything new going on. It kinda sucks. but i will bear with it, i hate quitting on a book. It's the worst feeling for me. I don't like quitting anything.

I dunno, maybe the ending will turn out to be better. So far it's not a gripping read for me.


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