Sunday, April 15, 2012

Waking up in the morning

There is nothing quite like the .429374908 seconds right when you achieve consciousness, but before the world hits you, in the morning. This is my absolute favorite time of day. There are no worries. There are no emotions except bliss, or anger depending on your nights sleep. This morning my moment of bliss was interrupted by my mother waking me up and shoving the Lollapalooza line up in my face.

I can't lie. I am so fracken excited for this line up i might have peed a little when i read it. The headliners aren't that great, but i love all of the other bands! I am anxiously awaiting the moments when i get to see Florence + The Machine, Passion Pit, Sigur Ros, M83, Fun., Chairlift, Oberhofer, and First Aid Kit. Seriously. I might die.

First off, i would give my soul to see Florence. They are my favorite band ever! Florence Welch is a lyrical genius, not to mention her killer vocals. I've loved the band since the moment i heard them. Of course i was obsessed with The Dog Days are Over, their first single, but i have decided upon my favorite song by Florence and the Machine. It's Cosmic Love. I can't help but be overwhelmed by the instrumentals and the vocals and how well they collide.

Passion Pit is another one of my all time favorite bands. I remember hearing Sleepyhead on a commercial and then the next day Dan McCoy played it in his car. I became addicted immediately. There is nothing like the bouncy tunes produced by Passion Pit and they never fail to put me in a happy mood. At least one of their songs has been on my summer playlists for three years running. I can't say the same for Rocket to the Moon or a lot of other bands.

Sigur Ros i have recently discovered. I love their music. It's soothing. It reminds me of last summer with Marie Treangen and how we discovered Jonsi, a similar artist. Jonsi was the artist used for the credits used at the end of How to Train your Dragon. Essentially, that is how Sigur Ros feels. I will be listening to them for many more rainy days to come.

Oh M83, how i love you. When i read the fake released Lolla line up, i was so excited to see M83! I am extremely pleased that they are on the real line up for this year. Midnight City is a work of art. Popular, but unappreciated. One of my favorite songs today. I'm sad though that AWOLNATION will not be performing at Lolla. They were on the rumored line up and i would have enjoyed seeing them live.

Fun. has recently switched lanes into the mainstream track. Their hit single, We Are Young, is rocking the radio stations, at least it is here in CR. I agree with everyone who has voted it number one on Z102.9's 9 o'clock most requested. I love it. But the rest of Fun.'s album is also fantastic. Mo Cheetany was angered to hear them on the radio, but i say, more power to 'em! They earned it. And it's about time people start listening to good music.

Essentially, i really only like one song by Chairlift. But i have also only listened to one song by Chairlift. I'm not sure what has consumed me, but i feel like i don't need to listen to any more. Bruises is hilarious to me. It's about falling in love, but every single lyric could be made into a "that's what she said". I just think it would be grand to see them perform that song live.

Oberhofer. This dates back to last summer when Michael Nordstrom made me a playlist. I love them! They were recently in Iowa City for a musical weekend, but unfortunately the show was 19 and up, so i was unable to attend. I was broken-hearted. I love Oberhofer. The oOoOoOoO song is my favorite, i was just too lazy too look up how they spelt the 00oooOOOO's.

And last but not least, First Aid Kit. There isn't much to say.

Honestly, i'm curious to see how many of these bands that i enjoy have talent. I already know Florence and the Machine does, which makes me love them that much more, but i guess we will see the rest! I am so excited for Lolla!

Sarah =]

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