Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm Artsy, Literally

LOL. conceited title. go sarah.

Lately i have found myself keeping up with some of the crafts that i enjoy doing. These consist of knitting, taking photos, and painting flower pots. Yesterday i finished my first knit scarf and today i finished a flower-pot. I'm on a role! I'll explain my processes for you.
In order to be artsy, you have to do art. Duh. i feel like it's self-explanatory. I have to be in the mood to do crafts, or else they turn out bad. I do what i feel like doing, you know? If i feel like reading, i read. If i feel like watching Criminal Minds, i watch Criminal Minds. If i feel like knitting, i knit. If i feel like painting, i paint! You get the picture.
Step two to my artsy-ness relates to above. I find out what i feel like doing. Then, i do it.
The End.
I was going to come up with some really elaborate, confusing, sarcastic, and inaccurate description about artsy people, but i decided against it. I'll save my fingers and your time. However, I'll tell you about my recent crafts.
This summer a rather odd feeling came over me. I felt like painting. This was odd for me because I've never really painted before. I knew i couldn't paint something on paper, so i asked my mom to paint my room. She said no. So i asked to paint our hammock stand. She said no. So i asked if i could go buy some flower pots and paint them and she said she didn't care. So off to the store i went. I stopped in the crafts isles at walmart on my way to the gardening section to pick up paints and brushes. Then i invested in four pots, two large, one small, and one tiny. That day i sat out in the sun and painted one of my large flower pots. My mom has it on display on our kitchen table. Now, this isn't just a one color pot. I came up with a design, i sketched it with my pencil, and then i painted over it. Twas quite the good time.
Tonight, however, i painted a pot in about an hour. i got out my paper plates (for mixing paint, i'm ghetto), newspaper (you can't leave a mess!), mug of water (you gotta rinse the brushes!), paper towels (you gotta dry the brushes after you rinse them!), and my paint! I used my small pot.
I was stumbling and found inspiration. I saw a quote i really liked and decided to use it. I painted my pot and painted on the quote. Ta Da! Instant happiness for me. I love my finished products!

There is beauty in simplicity
That ^ is the one i did tonight.

C'est La Vie
That ^ is the one that i did a few months ago in 10 minutes before i had to go to work. I keep my earrings in it=]
Now to knitting. Last winter i started i scarf for none other than Ben Feltes himself. I never finished it. Then i went on a road trip this past week and i finished it. I then sewed the ends together and made it an infinity scarf! Yay! double win right there. I had been wanting another knit scarf and another infinity scarf. Bam. Two in one.

hehe scarf =
Yup. That's all i got. And this little diddy right here.
Sarah =]

Color Outside the Lines.

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