Monday, February 27, 2012

Shut Up

Okay. So today we had that academic assembly or whatever in which i got a certificate that had my name spelled wrong on it. I am not pleased. This is a major issue here. Just Kidding. The other one was spelled right. That's all that matters. Or so you think. Do you like it when people spell your name wrong? I didn't think so. It's fucking annoying. Especially when there are more people who spell the name Sarah with an H. DUH! Come on counselors office. I know it was you. Ms. Haynes-Moore told me. Sorry to throw you under the bus there HM. I'm just getting all worked up right now.

I am so tired of people who have no respect. Dr. W was right today at the assembly when she was talking to everyone about dissing the show choir. I know that she most likely stirred up more trouble for the hard working souls that put on that show, but i completely agree with her. Shut your fucking mouth. Are you up there singing and dancing your ass of in front of the most critical crowd ever? Do you think that they want to hear about how gay you think show choir is? No. They don't. Because they like it. Just because you don't doesn't mean that you have to be so rude about it. Most likely, the people around you want you to shut the fuck up too. They probably enjoy the show.

And lets be real here. Happiness is fucking awesome. It is full of talented kids who have worked their asses off for the entire school year. If you ask me, they sound pretty fucking great. Can you sing like that you critical bastards? Yeah. I didn't think so. So why don't you just tape that mouth of your closed so we don't have to hear about any more of your insecurities.

Oh. And to those sitting behind me at the assembly. The all state speech kids got busses. Ms. Osborn is a kick ass teacher and speech coach from what i hear. Don't criticize what that students get. It's none of your business. You didn't earn the award. They did. I'd appreciate your mouth shutting next time too. It's disrespectful. I'm ashamed for you.

That's all. I could write an apology about saying fuck so many times, or being so rude. But it would be a lie.




So i have two more blogs to write tonight. I am going to make the most of them i think. I hope. I am not sure i will be able to do that, but i will do my best.

I just got home from work. It was a lovely time. Keagan and i did not argue once. We also played basketball for two hours, and that is what we got paid for! Oh it was a good night at work. Yes it was.

I was just chatting with my friend James and he has a shit ton of make up work from this term. I am glad i don't have that much work to do. I think i might cry if i did. I want him to go to the state basketball game against linn mar with me tomorrow night, but he can not unless he finishes his homework. grrr. Stupid procrastinator. =[

This blog really is not making any sense. I need to think of something to write about but i just can not seem to think of anything of interest to others. I am rather tired right now so this is just sort of a BLAH blog. Sorry about that Ms. A. This probably is not even 200 words. I undid all of my contraction words just so i could get a higher word count. Ha! I am such a bad blogger right now Ms. A.

Sorry! Sarah

ps. I just counted. I have 234 words! YAY! now i have 240!

Da Vinci Code Annotated Bib

This was a huge change of scenery for me! I’ve been reading so much Jodi Picoult, I’ve been missing out on everything else! I’ve also been glued to my nook and have forgotten about the happiness that comes with physically turning a page of the book you’re reading. 

I read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD! Seriously, I can’t believe that I haven’t read it sooner. It’s practically a classic. There’s a movie and everything!

My experience with this book was very short. I read it in four days. I couldn’t put it down. Every spare moment I had I spent reading this book. And I mean this quite literally. I didn’t even watch Criminal Minds because I was reading the book (that’s a huge deal. I’m obsessed with Criminal Minds). The characters were fantastic, the plot was riveting, and you could never predict what was going to happen next.

This book also reminded me a little bit about Criminal Minds. The whole solving a mystery and putting together the clues thing is very similar in both The Da Vinci Code and Criminal Minds. What’s better about The Da Vinci Code though, is how unpredictable it was. I couldn’t figure out the clues for myself. If I was in their positions, I never would have been able to break codes like Sophie and Robert did. It was incredible. 

This book really makes you think about the possibility of the book being true. The whole Priory of Sion is true, it states that in the beginning of the book, but the rest about the papers and hiding places and puzzles and everything, could it really happen? My mind is as blown as it was when I read Harry Potter. It’s a good thing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oh How I've Missed You

Peace, cleanliness, relaxing. Oh how i have missed you. Today isn’t turning out to be such a bad day after all. I’m currently sitting on Lindsay’s couch watching Ridiculousness and laughing my ass off. My abs hurt now.
When i got home from school, i came home to a happy surprise of a clean room! you don’t understand how much this is awesome. I haven’t seen the floor of my room in months. I love my mom! All of my clothes (all of them! That’s quite a few) are put away. My magazines (all of them! That’s quite a few) are stacked neatly next to my bed. My Criminal Minds DVDs (all of them! There’s 6 box cases!) are put on my movie shelf. All of my cameras (all of them! That’s quite a few! i don’t remember how many) are put on their own individual shelf so they are safe from the messiness that comes with me. I am so happy! I never want to leave my room now. It’s such a pleasant place to stay!
The second surprise when i got home was a tunic dress thing that i ordered off the internet a couple of weeks ago. It finally came and now i get to wear it! I love getting things in the mail! Especially clothes. It’s great.
I love my new thing!
Another great thing about today is the fact that last night i completed the majority of my AP Lang portfolio, which means that i don’t have to do a lot of it tonight! Which means that i can have my usual Tuesday nights with Lindsay watching TV and just chillaxin. We watch Jane By Design at 8. It’s great. Seriously. And Glee. It’s great too. I thoroughly enjoy my Tuesday nights at Lindsay’s. We don’t do anything productive or special, but we just hang out. I’m going to miss these nights in college.
I’m supposed to do Yoga with James on Tuesday nights, but i think we’re giving up on that one. The whole Yoga thing hasn’t worked out yet! lol. Worked out. Get it?
Sarah =]
I can’t wait for my prom dress to come in the mail! It will be one glorious day. It’s red =]

Monday, February 20, 2012


Okay, i’m currently sitting at home, kicking myself because i came home early to work on my portfolio,  but i don’t have the stuff with me to work on my portfolio. Can you say kill me now? That’s all i want to do. I just want to finish the damn thing so that i’m not so stressed out about it. It’s the worst feeling in the world for me. You don’t even understand. I get super grumpy, super anxious, super scheduled. I can’t handle this! *Insert image of me making a small space with my fingers* I’m this close to ripping my hair out!!!! I’m freaking out.
On top of this portfolio, finals are next week. Can you say wake up call? Hello! I was supposed to have two weeks to get my grades where i want them, but it turns out that i don’t have that much time. I’m freaking out. Seriously. This post and my last post are me ranting about how nervous and freaking out i am. I can’t control it. I have so much to do in so little time!
Seriously. I need a hug. Uberfacts said something about hugs lowering blood pressure and stress levels. I am in dire need of this right now. What am i supposed to do? I’m going to be gone all day on Thursday for a visit to Iowa State University, that’s time that is taken away from all of this stuff that i need to be doing. ARRRGGGGGGGG. I’m freaking out. Just freakin. I feel like Allie Sindlinger when she has to study for finals. It’s that bad.
So i guess tonight i can only read and blog because i don’t have the stuff for my portfolio. Great. Seriously. Put me out of my misery. I need a time turner like in Harry Potter.

Week From Hell

Ahh. So reality is finally hitting me. I have an AP Lang portfolio due at the end of this week and it takes forever to do. Guess what?! Chicken Butt! Gotcha! hahhaha but seriously. I haven’t even started it yet. These are things of torture.
The 185790348520457723049857059823745029847502394578203948759458-1394865-349687-13497-3497134957862304852083457608134756034 page kill joy will be my number one priority this week, along with reading 800 pages and blogging 8 more blogs to keep my grade up. I’M PULLING MY HAIR OUT!!!
Deep breaths Sarah. You can do it. You’ve got all week right? Wrong!!!!! I have four days. Just kidding. I have three. I work tomorrow and won’t get off in time to get any work on my protfolio done. It’s due on Friday. I can’t work on it on Friday. Just kill me now.
On top of all of that, i have to coach members of The Torch in our final project. I have no idea what we are doing, i was gone at the state wrestling tournament!!!
I promised Allie that i would read until 11 tonight, but see, here’s the thing. This blog idea struck me, and you just can’t keep the words from flowin when they want to flow man. So, i’m knocking out one of my 8 blog posts right meow.
Instead of coming straight home at 8 (when i’m supposed to get off work) i had to stay late, and then i offered my services to Allie to help her study for the Stat test tomorrow. I’m too nice. I swear that if any of you ask for my help this week that i will punch you in the face. I don’t have time for you, i need to get my grades up.
That was mean. Completely disregard that. I’m venting out my feelings in ten minutes so that i can get some reading done before i hit the sac. Which is what i wanted to do to this rude, disgusting old man at work tonight. What a degrading asshole. Who says that women can’t do anything right right to a woman’s face? And then who asks them if they can dance with me at my wedding? This guy. I said sure. He asked when i was getting married. I said never. He told my manager that the reason they call him Snoopy is because he “fucked so many girls in the ass.” He used those exact words. No joke.
What a lovely week this is going to be.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Today's the Day

The date is February 15. My MIAD portfolio is due today. Is it done? Nope. I sent in a preliminary portfolio, but my admissions contact suggest i take a few more photos and send them to her so she can update it. Well. I have the photos. I haven’t edited them yet. And i still need to send them to her. I also keep getting emails that say my application isn’t complete. So i guess i should do that too. Today is the Day.

Procrastination is an art. It isn’t an art that one should aspire to become good at though. I have felt stressed for the past four weeks knowing that i need to take these photos for my portfolio and turn them in if i want to be considered a serious candidate for admission. The school has 732 students, or so it says on the website. No pressure, right?

Scholarships. They have deadlines too. I spend my time filling out scholarship forms instead of doing my homework at night because I’m so stressed about the financials of the next four years of my life. I don’t know about you, but i want to get the hell out of here and make a name for myself in this world. I don’t want to have to be 39570q34975 dollars in debt when i do it. I want to live a minimally stressed, happy, successful life.

As a senior, i have become rather good at waiting until the night before, or even the morning the paper is due. I will plan out when during the day to do my homework. I get it done, but my motivation has dropped exponentially. Therefore, my grades are suffering. I am not pleased with this. So as of today, i am going to motivate myself more and take charge. I need to stop shopping, hide my Criminal Minds DVD’s and only use my home computer for work. Friends come second to school work, no matter how much i want to hangout with them. Today is the Day.

Today is the day to take charge of your life. I know you don’t want to, do you think that i do? But it needs to be done. Mr. Grady is always saying that the “rules are about to change” and he’s right. The seniors go to college next year! If we can’t figure out how to control ourselves now while in high school, how are we supposed to take care of ourselves in college? In college, there is so much more to do and be responsible for. You’re parents aren’t going to be there to wake you up in the morning. They aren’t going to be there to say “You can’t stay home.” They aren’t going to be there to do your laundry and buy your groceries. They aren’t going to be there to tell you how to live your life. It’s up to you. I suggest getting a head start now, so you know what you’re doing for the rest of your life. Your parents are here now and i bet they would be more than willing to help you get started. As for help. Today’s the Day.

Sarah =]

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Single Awareness Day

Today is February 14th. The famous, or in some cases, infamous, Valentines Day. To the single people, it’s the worst day of the year. To the married, coupled, dating, together people, it’s just an excuse to do something special. Personally, i am not a fan of this day. It’s not because i’m single. It’s because of the controversial emotions that we all have to deal with.

The Losers. These are the single people who whine, complain, cry, and attempt to make other people feel bad for them because they don’t have a valentine. Hello. Like Cody Whitam tweeted earler today, why is today any different? You’re single the rest of the time too. Get over it. It’s just another day. Why do you have to ruin other peoples day too? Maybe if you wern’t so desperate and emotional about stupid things you would have a valentine.

The Cool People. These are the single people who are like me and don’t care. We don’t need anyone to make us happy. It’s just another day with misconceptions about what the day was actually founded for. Yes, we may eat some chocolate, but you know what? We eat chocolate often anyway, not to make us feel better, but because we enjoy the taste.

The PDAers. These are the couples that are so in love and can’t keep their hands off of each other. The thing about these kids is that they don’t only show their affection on Valentines Day. They show it every single day they are together. Typically, by making out in the hallway. Yes, it’s gross, but i admire these people. They don’t wait for a special day to show that they love each other, they do it all the time.

The Go All Outers. These people are the people who do special things for Valentines Day. This is the one day a year where they actually have to try to do something nice for their significant other. I don’t like people like this. They get so excited that they are doing something special and rub it in other peoples faces. Why should you only show affection or do something special for your significant other only one day a year? That seems messed up to me. If you’re with someone, you should show how much you care about them all the time. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, but you shouldn’t wait until Valentines Day to actually do something that will make them happy.

Essentially, it is everyone but the cool people who make me dislike Valentines Day, but it’s also the fact that it is so commercialized. Why do you need to spend 457294857209485 dollars to show you care? The best gifts are priceless, just like the Mastercard commercials say.

Sarah =]

PS. Valentines Day is actually a day dedicated to St. Valentine in one way or another. It is debated whether it was to celebrate his death, or put in the middle of February to recogonize a fertility festival. Either way, i find purchasing one of the stuffed animals in the foyer to be a stupid way to celebrate it.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Lately, i've been looking at a lot of cats. It's becoming a real distraction. If i'm not watching Criminal Minds, i'm stumbling pictures of cats. Today, i spent an entire class period looking at cat pictures and videos. I'm not joking. Annie Feltes was there to witness it. My favorite photo so far today is:

I literally laughed about it for five minutes.

I also stumbledupon this patty cake cat video!:

It's hilarious!!!!! My friend Marie Treangen, who i haven't blogged about in a while, has the sweetest cat ever. She rescued her from an animal shelter. Now, she isn't a kitty. This is a full grown cat who has manners and everything. She also has a moustache. She loves the fire place and long walks on the beach. If you lay on your back, she will sit in the valley of your boobs (assuming you're a woman). One of her favorite hobbies is surfing the internet.

Now, i would love to have my own cat, but i love my dog Lucy. I don't think she could handle the emotional stress of having a cat around. I would imagine she would want to play but the cat wouldn't. Anyway. If you do get a cat or kitten, i do ask that you rescue it from a shelter. They only have so much room for stray animals. If you get lucky you could even end up with a cat as lovely as Bella (Marie's cat) up there. House trained and everything. I also suggest adopting from the Cedar Valley Humane Society. You can look at the pets that are up for adoption online and everything. They're all very cute =] Cat videos are the best!

Sarah =]

ps. here is a link to the Cedar Valley Human Society website. right HERE


Sex. We all know about it. We’ve been schooled about the STD’s, pregnancy, and commitment that come with sex in the hopes that it would scare us out of participating in the act until we are married. But let’s face it. Sex is a fun, calorie-burning pastime for us high school students. There are more positives than negatives (get it?!). Some of us like to get kinky. Some of us like to stay classy. Some of us don’t participate in the sexual act at all. Some of us may be stuck in a rut with the same old thing every. Single. Time. So here are some tips for all of you horny bastards out there:

1.      Incorporate food into your sex life.  Waffles, burgers, chicken nuggets, anything goes.

2.      A little dry? Out of lube? Use one of your friends from the kitchen… olive oil!

3.      Go to a concert and discretely bite people until you reach the front row. Make sure you make constant eye contact with the most attractive member of the band (or the one with the tightest pants). After the show, stow away on their tour bus and appear wearing nothing but the band t-shirt. Keep eye contact with your object of desire, but invite everyone to have a little fun! Afterwards, don’t forget to mention how many people you had to bite to get there.

4.      Looking to switch it up? Develop a foot fetish. Use your partner’s toes to stimulate your genitals!

5.      Make sure you have a to-do list. This could be anything from “people to do” to “places to do it.”

6.      Looking for adventure? Do it in the bathroom while your parents are downstairs! Bite your partner to keep quiet if you’re a screamer.

7.      Apart? Skype sex! Just point the camera at your genitals and you’re a-go!

8.      If you need help getting your partner into the mood, suggest a movie night and watch all of your favorite porn together!

9.      Have a criminal for a sexual partner? Watch an episode of Criminal Minds and then reenact the episode! The more rape there is in the episode, the more sex there is for you!

So there you go you glorious, curious sexual animals. Have a little fun! Live a little life! Have a lot of sex!

Side Note: Tips above are not to be taken seriously. They may be dangerous to your health.

Sarah =]

Friday, February 3, 2012

From Memory

Sitting on the couch in my living room right now is my laptop. It's not just any laptop though. It's mine. All mine. My Macbook is one of my favorite posessions. It's white, but appears orange due to the orange case encasing it. Imagine that.

If you open my laptop, it is most likely on. I don't like to turn it off. It's a waste of time. The first thing you will see is a username and password. Sorry, but i'm not going to give you that.

If you managed to pass through the password gate, you would come upon a screen with the words "Fed Up" pictured across it. I took the photo on one of my trip to Iowa City. I love Iowa City. Everytime i open up that laptop i get a reminder of one of my favorite places.

The first thing to open will be spotify. It's this music thing. I can listen to free music all i want. It's similar ro pandora, but it's connected to my facebook, which is also most likely open.

Across the bottom of the screen will be my most used icons. First, of course, is Finder (the my computer of a mac), next is Safari, iTunes, Photobooth, some photo uploading Canon stuff, Photoshop, Skype, Spotify, and finally the Trash.

Clicking on the finder button will open you up to all of my computers insides. The files, photos, folders, and documents that live within it are open to you. Clicking on the larrysickles tab will lead you to a folder filled with folders. If you click on the Pictures folder, it will open up 92375023874293874 folders of photo's i have taken. Go back now. Click on the desktop. then click on the Sarah Sickles Portfolio folder. Here you will find my best work that i submitted to the Milwaukee Institued of Art and Design.

Go back to the larrysickles tab. Click on downloads. Here you will find miscelaneaous music downloads and stumbleupon photos. Some of these may have appeared on your facebook wall at some point in time.

Go back. Click on the documents folder. Here will be only a few of the papers i've written for school. Mostly for my AP Lang portfolio.


Let's skip over Safari. My most visited are facebook, twitter, wordpress, stumbleupon, and yahoo.

iTunes on the otherhand is full of 1000+ songs. I don't download it unless i like it. I have the most of Fall Out Boy and Avril Lavigne. Don't you dare judge me. My favorite is Florence and the Machine.

I have very few skype friends. If you looked in my history, you would find a few skype conversations between me and my best friend Michael who is attending college in Colorado. I miss him dearly.

That's pretty much a recap of my computer. I wrote all of this from memory. I'm sitting in my 6th hour class on a school computer.

What kind of Woman are You?

Honestly, i believe that there are two types of women in the world. All women know what they want to some extent, but there are women who will go after what they want, and there are those that will not.

Take me for example. I consider myself a woman who will go after what she wants. I wanted to take James Kern to WPA. I asked him. Guess who's going with James Kern to WPA? That's right. Me. It's not necessairly the person that makes me feel good, though he is a plus, we've known eachother since third grade. It's the fact that i got what i wanted. When you work for something and you get it, it is the best feeling ever.

So, to identify yourself, a woman who goes after what she wants will often be blunt, forward, and not afraid to go get it. She is confident. She is outgoing, typically a people person, and has motivation and aspiration accomplish what she wants. She will apply to the college of her dreams, not just settle for a state college (not that there is anything wrong with state college). She is passionate about everything in her life. She will enjoy trying new things and takes criticism with a good attitude. Since she is this way, she gets what she wants.

The other woman who knows what she wants, but doesn't go after it is a dreamer. She will daydream about the thing she desires most. For some, it may be the perfect bed room. for others, it may be that special guy. She will play out scenarios in her head and wish that they would happen. Though she may seem outgoing on the outside, she is truely shy, no matter how hard she tries to deny it. She is afraid to go get what she wants. She is afraid of denial. She is afraid of failure. If it wern't for the possibility of these things, she would go get what she wants. Occasionally she may get a burst of courage, but in the moment she will lose it and awkwardly walk away, with what she wanted just out of reach. Things come to this person by chance. Though she is a dreamer, she is also painfully realistic. So much so that she doubts her ability to succeed at her quest.

I wish all women could gain the confidence to go after what she wants. It is truely heart breaking watching someone be afraid of life.


Oh, and i advise all of you to just ask your date to WPA already. If you get rejected once, try someone else. The first doesn't deserve you anyway.