Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oh How I've Missed You

Peace, cleanliness, relaxing. Oh how i have missed you. Today isn’t turning out to be such a bad day after all. I’m currently sitting on Lindsay’s couch watching Ridiculousness and laughing my ass off. My abs hurt now.
When i got home from school, i came home to a happy surprise of a clean room! you don’t understand how much this is awesome. I haven’t seen the floor of my room in months. I love my mom! All of my clothes (all of them! That’s quite a few) are put away. My magazines (all of them! That’s quite a few) are stacked neatly next to my bed. My Criminal Minds DVDs (all of them! There’s 6 box cases!) are put on my movie shelf. All of my cameras (all of them! That’s quite a few! i don’t remember how many) are put on their own individual shelf so they are safe from the messiness that comes with me. I am so happy! I never want to leave my room now. It’s such a pleasant place to stay!
The second surprise when i got home was a tunic dress thing that i ordered off the internet a couple of weeks ago. It finally came and now i get to wear it! I love getting things in the mail! Especially clothes. It’s great.
I love my new thing!
Another great thing about today is the fact that last night i completed the majority of my AP Lang portfolio, which means that i don’t have to do a lot of it tonight! Which means that i can have my usual Tuesday nights with Lindsay watching TV and just chillaxin. We watch Jane By Design at 8. It’s great. Seriously. And Glee. It’s great too. I thoroughly enjoy my Tuesday nights at Lindsay’s. We don’t do anything productive or special, but we just hang out. I’m going to miss these nights in college.
I’m supposed to do Yoga with James on Tuesday nights, but i think we’re giving up on that one. The whole Yoga thing hasn’t worked out yet! lol. Worked out. Get it?
Sarah =]
I can’t wait for my prom dress to come in the mail! It will be one glorious day. It’s red =]

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