Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Today's the Day

The date is February 15. My MIAD portfolio is due today. Is it done? Nope. I sent in a preliminary portfolio, but my admissions contact suggest i take a few more photos and send them to her so she can update it. Well. I have the photos. I haven’t edited them yet. And i still need to send them to her. I also keep getting emails that say my application isn’t complete. So i guess i should do that too. Today is the Day.

Procrastination is an art. It isn’t an art that one should aspire to become good at though. I have felt stressed for the past four weeks knowing that i need to take these photos for my portfolio and turn them in if i want to be considered a serious candidate for admission. The school has 732 students, or so it says on the website. No pressure, right?

Scholarships. They have deadlines too. I spend my time filling out scholarship forms instead of doing my homework at night because I’m so stressed about the financials of the next four years of my life. I don’t know about you, but i want to get the hell out of here and make a name for myself in this world. I don’t want to have to be 39570q34975 dollars in debt when i do it. I want to live a minimally stressed, happy, successful life.

As a senior, i have become rather good at waiting until the night before, or even the morning the paper is due. I will plan out when during the day to do my homework. I get it done, but my motivation has dropped exponentially. Therefore, my grades are suffering. I am not pleased with this. So as of today, i am going to motivate myself more and take charge. I need to stop shopping, hide my Criminal Minds DVD’s and only use my home computer for work. Friends come second to school work, no matter how much i want to hangout with them. Today is the Day.

Today is the day to take charge of your life. I know you don’t want to, do you think that i do? But it needs to be done. Mr. Grady is always saying that the “rules are about to change” and he’s right. The seniors go to college next year! If we can’t figure out how to control ourselves now while in high school, how are we supposed to take care of ourselves in college? In college, there is so much more to do and be responsible for. You’re parents aren’t going to be there to wake you up in the morning. They aren’t going to be there to say “You can’t stay home.” They aren’t going to be there to do your laundry and buy your groceries. They aren’t going to be there to tell you how to live your life. It’s up to you. I suggest getting a head start now, so you know what you’re doing for the rest of your life. Your parents are here now and i bet they would be more than willing to help you get started. As for help. Today’s the Day.

Sarah =]

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