Monday, February 27, 2012


So i have two more blogs to write tonight. I am going to make the most of them i think. I hope. I am not sure i will be able to do that, but i will do my best.

I just got home from work. It was a lovely time. Keagan and i did not argue once. We also played basketball for two hours, and that is what we got paid for! Oh it was a good night at work. Yes it was.

I was just chatting with my friend James and he has a shit ton of make up work from this term. I am glad i don't have that much work to do. I think i might cry if i did. I want him to go to the state basketball game against linn mar with me tomorrow night, but he can not unless he finishes his homework. grrr. Stupid procrastinator. =[

This blog really is not making any sense. I need to think of something to write about but i just can not seem to think of anything of interest to others. I am rather tired right now so this is just sort of a BLAH blog. Sorry about that Ms. A. This probably is not even 200 words. I undid all of my contraction words just so i could get a higher word count. Ha! I am such a bad blogger right now Ms. A.

Sorry! Sarah

ps. I just counted. I have 234 words! YAY! now i have 240!

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