Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Single Awareness Day

Today is February 14th. The famous, or in some cases, infamous, Valentines Day. To the single people, it’s the worst day of the year. To the married, coupled, dating, together people, it’s just an excuse to do something special. Personally, i am not a fan of this day. It’s not because i’m single. It’s because of the controversial emotions that we all have to deal with.

The Losers. These are the single people who whine, complain, cry, and attempt to make other people feel bad for them because they don’t have a valentine. Hello. Like Cody Whitam tweeted earler today, why is today any different? You’re single the rest of the time too. Get over it. It’s just another day. Why do you have to ruin other peoples day too? Maybe if you wern’t so desperate and emotional about stupid things you would have a valentine.

The Cool People. These are the single people who are like me and don’t care. We don’t need anyone to make us happy. It’s just another day with misconceptions about what the day was actually founded for. Yes, we may eat some chocolate, but you know what? We eat chocolate often anyway, not to make us feel better, but because we enjoy the taste.

The PDAers. These are the couples that are so in love and can’t keep their hands off of each other. The thing about these kids is that they don’t only show their affection on Valentines Day. They show it every single day they are together. Typically, by making out in the hallway. Yes, it’s gross, but i admire these people. They don’t wait for a special day to show that they love each other, they do it all the time.

The Go All Outers. These people are the people who do special things for Valentines Day. This is the one day a year where they actually have to try to do something nice for their significant other. I don’t like people like this. They get so excited that they are doing something special and rub it in other peoples faces. Why should you only show affection or do something special for your significant other only one day a year? That seems messed up to me. If you’re with someone, you should show how much you care about them all the time. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, but you shouldn’t wait until Valentines Day to actually do something that will make them happy.

Essentially, it is everyone but the cool people who make me dislike Valentines Day, but it’s also the fact that it is so commercialized. Why do you need to spend 457294857209485 dollars to show you care? The best gifts are priceless, just like the Mastercard commercials say.

Sarah =]

PS. Valentines Day is actually a day dedicated to St. Valentine in one way or another. It is debated whether it was to celebrate his death, or put in the middle of February to recogonize a fertility festival. Either way, i find purchasing one of the stuffed animals in the foyer to be a stupid way to celebrate it.

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