Monday, February 20, 2012

Week From Hell

Ahh. So reality is finally hitting me. I have an AP Lang portfolio due at the end of this week and it takes forever to do. Guess what?! Chicken Butt! Gotcha! hahhaha but seriously. I haven’t even started it yet. These are things of torture.
The 185790348520457723049857059823745029847502394578203948759458-1394865-349687-13497-3497134957862304852083457608134756034 page kill joy will be my number one priority this week, along with reading 800 pages and blogging 8 more blogs to keep my grade up. I’M PULLING MY HAIR OUT!!!
Deep breaths Sarah. You can do it. You’ve got all week right? Wrong!!!!! I have four days. Just kidding. I have three. I work tomorrow and won’t get off in time to get any work on my protfolio done. It’s due on Friday. I can’t work on it on Friday. Just kill me now.
On top of all of that, i have to coach members of The Torch in our final project. I have no idea what we are doing, i was gone at the state wrestling tournament!!!
I promised Allie that i would read until 11 tonight, but see, here’s the thing. This blog idea struck me, and you just can’t keep the words from flowin when they want to flow man. So, i’m knocking out one of my 8 blog posts right meow.
Instead of coming straight home at 8 (when i’m supposed to get off work) i had to stay late, and then i offered my services to Allie to help her study for the Stat test tomorrow. I’m too nice. I swear that if any of you ask for my help this week that i will punch you in the face. I don’t have time for you, i need to get my grades up.
That was mean. Completely disregard that. I’m venting out my feelings in ten minutes so that i can get some reading done before i hit the sac. Which is what i wanted to do to this rude, disgusting old man at work tonight. What a degrading asshole. Who says that women can’t do anything right right to a woman’s face? And then who asks them if they can dance with me at my wedding? This guy. I said sure. He asked when i was getting married. I said never. He told my manager that the reason they call him Snoopy is because he “fucked so many girls in the ass.” He used those exact words. No joke.
What a lovely week this is going to be.

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