Friday, February 3, 2012

What kind of Woman are You?

Honestly, i believe that there are two types of women in the world. All women know what they want to some extent, but there are women who will go after what they want, and there are those that will not.

Take me for example. I consider myself a woman who will go after what she wants. I wanted to take James Kern to WPA. I asked him. Guess who's going with James Kern to WPA? That's right. Me. It's not necessairly the person that makes me feel good, though he is a plus, we've known eachother since third grade. It's the fact that i got what i wanted. When you work for something and you get it, it is the best feeling ever.

So, to identify yourself, a woman who goes after what she wants will often be blunt, forward, and not afraid to go get it. She is confident. She is outgoing, typically a people person, and has motivation and aspiration accomplish what she wants. She will apply to the college of her dreams, not just settle for a state college (not that there is anything wrong with state college). She is passionate about everything in her life. She will enjoy trying new things and takes criticism with a good attitude. Since she is this way, she gets what she wants.

The other woman who knows what she wants, but doesn't go after it is a dreamer. She will daydream about the thing she desires most. For some, it may be the perfect bed room. for others, it may be that special guy. She will play out scenarios in her head and wish that they would happen. Though she may seem outgoing on the outside, she is truely shy, no matter how hard she tries to deny it. She is afraid to go get what she wants. She is afraid of denial. She is afraid of failure. If it wern't for the possibility of these things, she would go get what she wants. Occasionally she may get a burst of courage, but in the moment she will lose it and awkwardly walk away, with what she wanted just out of reach. Things come to this person by chance. Though she is a dreamer, she is also painfully realistic. So much so that she doubts her ability to succeed at her quest.

I wish all women could gain the confidence to go after what she wants. It is truely heart breaking watching someone be afraid of life.


Oh, and i advise all of you to just ask your date to WPA already. If you get rejected once, try someone else. The first doesn't deserve you anyway.

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