Friday, February 10, 2012


Lately, i've been looking at a lot of cats. It's becoming a real distraction. If i'm not watching Criminal Minds, i'm stumbling pictures of cats. Today, i spent an entire class period looking at cat pictures and videos. I'm not joking. Annie Feltes was there to witness it. My favorite photo so far today is:

I literally laughed about it for five minutes.

I also stumbledupon this patty cake cat video!:

It's hilarious!!!!! My friend Marie Treangen, who i haven't blogged about in a while, has the sweetest cat ever. She rescued her from an animal shelter. Now, she isn't a kitty. This is a full grown cat who has manners and everything. She also has a moustache. She loves the fire place and long walks on the beach. If you lay on your back, she will sit in the valley of your boobs (assuming you're a woman). One of her favorite hobbies is surfing the internet.

Now, i would love to have my own cat, but i love my dog Lucy. I don't think she could handle the emotional stress of having a cat around. I would imagine she would want to play but the cat wouldn't. Anyway. If you do get a cat or kitten, i do ask that you rescue it from a shelter. They only have so much room for stray animals. If you get lucky you could even end up with a cat as lovely as Bella (Marie's cat) up there. House trained and everything. I also suggest adopting from the Cedar Valley Humane Society. You can look at the pets that are up for adoption online and everything. They're all very cute =] Cat videos are the best!

Sarah =]

ps. here is a link to the Cedar Valley Human Society website. right HERE

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