Monday, February 27, 2012

Shut Up

Okay. So today we had that academic assembly or whatever in which i got a certificate that had my name spelled wrong on it. I am not pleased. This is a major issue here. Just Kidding. The other one was spelled right. That's all that matters. Or so you think. Do you like it when people spell your name wrong? I didn't think so. It's fucking annoying. Especially when there are more people who spell the name Sarah with an H. DUH! Come on counselors office. I know it was you. Ms. Haynes-Moore told me. Sorry to throw you under the bus there HM. I'm just getting all worked up right now.

I am so tired of people who have no respect. Dr. W was right today at the assembly when she was talking to everyone about dissing the show choir. I know that she most likely stirred up more trouble for the hard working souls that put on that show, but i completely agree with her. Shut your fucking mouth. Are you up there singing and dancing your ass of in front of the most critical crowd ever? Do you think that they want to hear about how gay you think show choir is? No. They don't. Because they like it. Just because you don't doesn't mean that you have to be so rude about it. Most likely, the people around you want you to shut the fuck up too. They probably enjoy the show.

And lets be real here. Happiness is fucking awesome. It is full of talented kids who have worked their asses off for the entire school year. If you ask me, they sound pretty fucking great. Can you sing like that you critical bastards? Yeah. I didn't think so. So why don't you just tape that mouth of your closed so we don't have to hear about any more of your insecurities.

Oh. And to those sitting behind me at the assembly. The all state speech kids got busses. Ms. Osborn is a kick ass teacher and speech coach from what i hear. Don't criticize what that students get. It's none of your business. You didn't earn the award. They did. I'd appreciate your mouth shutting next time too. It's disrespectful. I'm ashamed for you.

That's all. I could write an apology about saying fuck so many times, or being so rude. But it would be a lie.



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