Monday, February 20, 2012


Okay, i’m currently sitting at home, kicking myself because i came home early to work on my portfolio,  but i don’t have the stuff with me to work on my portfolio. Can you say kill me now? That’s all i want to do. I just want to finish the damn thing so that i’m not so stressed out about it. It’s the worst feeling in the world for me. You don’t even understand. I get super grumpy, super anxious, super scheduled. I can’t handle this! *Insert image of me making a small space with my fingers* I’m this close to ripping my hair out!!!! I’m freaking out.
On top of this portfolio, finals are next week. Can you say wake up call? Hello! I was supposed to have two weeks to get my grades where i want them, but it turns out that i don’t have that much time. I’m freaking out. Seriously. This post and my last post are me ranting about how nervous and freaking out i am. I can’t control it. I have so much to do in so little time!
Seriously. I need a hug. Uberfacts said something about hugs lowering blood pressure and stress levels. I am in dire need of this right now. What am i supposed to do? I’m going to be gone all day on Thursday for a visit to Iowa State University, that’s time that is taken away from all of this stuff that i need to be doing. ARRRGGGGGGGG. I’m freaking out. Just freakin. I feel like Allie Sindlinger when she has to study for finals. It’s that bad.
So i guess tonight i can only read and blog because i don’t have the stuff for my portfolio. Great. Seriously. Put me out of my misery. I need a time turner like in Harry Potter.

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