Thursday, May 10, 2012

F U North Carolina

Why? Why does it matter if gay people marry other gay people? How does it affect straight people? We aren’t the one marrying gay people. So why the hell does it matter?

Two days ago, North Carolina had a vote regarding gay marriage, and they passed a notion against it. I will never understand why some people are so ignorant. Why the hell can’t they live in peace? The government isn’t supposed to control what we do in our free time, and that is exactly what this is. This is supposed to be the land of the free, where we can practice whatever religion we want and can’t be arrested for what we say. But it isn’t possible for some people to marry who they desire?

The rejection of gay people is racism all over again. It’s like the fucking holocaust. African-Americans, Asians, and Europeans are allowed to all use the same restroom. And before that they were “separate, but equal.” Gays don’t even get to be equal. What kind of logic is this? Homosexuals use the same restrooms as heterosexuals, so why can’t they get married? There is no law against and African-Americans interracial marrying an Asian. So why can’t gay people marry who they want too? Are we just going to try to eliminate all of them too? Just like Hitler did with the Jews? How does the marriage between two people in love, whether they are the same-sex or not, have anything to do with politics?

And now let us arrive at the problem with religion and government. They aren’t supposed to have anything to do with each other. So since the Bible says that being gay is wrong, that means that it is supposed to become a law? Um. This is in direct violation of the religion and government thing. Just because some pompous politicians all have the same beliefs doesn’t mean that everyone else does. I don’t even believe in religion! It isn’t okay for only 61% of the population to determine what 100% of the population does.

Personally, I want to high-five Vice President Biden, good for you for not being an ignorant asshole who has to control everything, even though it has nothing to do with you. If you haven’t been watching the news lately, Joe Biden recently expressed that he was in favor of gay marriage. Good. And so has President Obama now. It’s about time.

“Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t get one. Don’t like abortions? Don’t get one. Don’t like drugs? Don’t do them. Don’t like sex? Don’t have it. Don’t like your rights taken away? Don’t take away anyone else’s.”


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