Sunday, May 20, 2012

Annotated Bib Term 3 #4

Mitchard, Jacquelyn. The Deep End of the Ocean. New York: Penguin Group, 1996. 

So I've finished the Deep End of the Ocean. I've decided that I don't like sad books.

For the majority of this novel, recommended by my mother, there is just the whole depressed, negative, pointless vibe going on. I mean, if you're going to write a book, at least make something happen!

Basically, in the end of the book, They find the little boy, he goes to live with his real parents, but he doesn't like it so he goes back with his not real dad, and then changes his mind again, returning to his birth family. Talk about not being able to make up your mind.

I get where the kid was coming from though. It had to be a tough decision to make, knowing that you hurt someone no matter what you do. I don't like being put in that position either. Take for instance, Prom. You all witnessed this. I told Tommy that he could ask me because no one else was going to, then .239470 seconds later, Matt Freeman asked me. How awkward is that? I didn't want to hurt ones feeling by going with the other, so I went with a totally different person who had previously mentioned going with me. I know that i ended up hurting both Tommy and Matts feelings, but I didn't think that it was fair, and I didn't want to have to make that decision.

This book also got me thinking about Criminal Minds. It is my favorite TV show of all time. There is seriously nothing better. But this honestly could have been an episode. The child kidnapped from his parents, young enough to not have any memory of them when he was taken away to grow up as someone else. It's quite saddening really. Things like this happen all the time in real life. I can't even imagine the pain that those families go through. Fun fact of the day though, 12 children a day are given to the wrong parents in American hospitals. That is 4,380 children a year who are given to the wrong parents and grow up with a family that is not their own. You could be one of them and you wouldn't even know.

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