Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Edit Photos Using Photoshop for Macintosh

To tone: push “command” “L” to open the levels window. Then push the “option” key and drag the arrows until you are satisfied.
To Crop: Select the cropping tool on the toolbar. Enter dimensions into the “Height” and “Width” boxes. Hit “Enter.” Then draw the box as large or as small as you like. Arrange until satisfied. Hit enter.
To Cut Out: Use the “Quick Selection” tool on the tool bar to highlight main subject. Make sure you don’t miss any crucial parts like and arm or a shoe. To lessen selection push “option” key and highlight section you don’t want selected. Then double-click on the “Background” layer and hit enter. “Background” should now be “Layer 1.” Select the “Select” menu and click “Inverse.” Hit delete. Then select “Select” menu and click “Deselect.” Now use the “Eraser” tool from the toolbar to smooth out the edges.
To Change File Size: Go to “Image” menu. Select “Image Size.” Make it a smaller number in any of the boxes. Do so until file size is small enough for you.
To Zoom:  Space Bar + Command
To Zoom Out: Space Bar + Command + Option.
To Reset Cropping dimensions: Click on “Crop” tool from toolbar. By the “Height” and “Width” boxes is a “Clear” button. Push it.
To Edit Small Blemishes/Mistakes: Use “Booboo” tool from toolbar. Click on acne or mistake.
Use the “Stamp” tool from the toolbar. Hold “Option” and click on an area similar to what you are correcting. Then release “Option” and click on correcting area, stamping over it.
To Undo: Command + Z
OR for more than one step back
Select “Edit” menu, click on “Step Backward” until you are where you want to be.
To Flip Image: Select “Image” menu. Highlight “Image Rotation” and choose “Flip Canvas” in the direction you desire.
To Rotate Image: Select “Image” menu. Highlight “Image Rotation” and choose which ever rotation you desire. (CW= Clock Wise. CCW=Counter Clock Wise).
To Copy: Command + C
To Paste: Command + V
To Quick Save: Command + S
If you need anything else, google it.
Hope it was helpful!

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